Unofficial TechZim Android app beta test

Do you like reading TechZim? Are you running Android 4.1 or newer? Do you know what a Beta test is? If your answer to all these questions is ‘yes’, then you might be happy to know that I’m running an open beta programme for an unofficial* TechZim Andriod app, and I’d like you to join it (by following the link).

It’s unofficial because it wasn’t commissioned (or even endorsed) by TechZim, I started working on the app to scratch my own itch (mostly getting around the pain of following WordPress comments). If you do join the beta test, I would love to hear what you think of the app.


12 responses

  1. Cool Avatar

    hv just joined yo beta testing program but unfortunately my droid is cyanogenmod with no play store. M to lazy to install gapps now , why don’t you host yo apk file somewhere in th cloud

  2. G Avatar

    nice one

  3. Cool Avatar

    I’m in! Bt unfortunately my droid is cyanogenmod without play store. M to lazy to install gapps, why don’t u host yo apk somewhere in th cloud?

    1. Tapiwa Avatar

      I anticipate that the beta will have frequent updates, so the APK would be a moving target. I’ll provide an APK for the 1.0 release.

      Out of curiousity, which app store do you use (if any)?

  4. Cool Avatar

    @techzim guys Pliz fix your commenting section, they are disappearing whenever I try to re-open this post. I thought u deleted my first comment, comments only appear after commenting. Tried to refresh more than 5 times

    1. L.S.M Kabweza Avatar

      thanks. investigating the problem.

  5. Charle Avatar

    would love to check it, can yu provide direct link to the apk

  6. Shark Avatar

    I’ve joined the beta test as well will most certainly give feedback. Out of curiosity, how are you pulling the data of the site. I would like to use the same techniques on my own personal WordPress powered blog.

    1. Beaton Nyamapanda Avatar

      Its actually quite easy. This method uses json, which you can easily use within an Android Project

      Check this out

      1.  Avatar

        Thanks a lot. Much appreciate the pointer

    2. Tapiwa Avatar

      The app reads the RSS (Atom) feed. WordPress supports RSS feeds out of the box without having to install any plugins (available at http://[wp-site]/feed/atom/ ). There’s also Google’s Feed API[1] that provides a JSON interface to any public RSS feed, but it strips out comment data so it was of little use to me.

      WordPress only recently launched Calypso, which has a REST API[2]. It looks interesting, and I might switch my app from RSS to Calypso’s API if TechZim will support it.


  7. PaulTheJavaProgrammer Avatar

    How about other aTZ with devices running FROYO, HONEYCOMB and other older builds

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