Econet brings back Free Twitter


Twimbos have a reason to celebrate. After almost a full year since terminating the promotion, local mobile operator Econet Wireless has brought back its free Twitter service for a three month period. The reintroduction was announced on social media.

Econet first introduced a zero-rated Twitter service in July 2014 after creating buildup through a social media campaign on the micro-blogging site that prompted followers to retweet if they wanted the service.

Running as promotion and not a regular service, Econet extended the Free Twitter service repeatedly before retiring it in February 2015, after which the option for free Twitter was extended to subscribers using the Opera Mini bundles.

This Free Twitter promo comes after Telecel and NetOne, the two other mobile operators, monetised the Twitter service through paid-for Twitter bundles.

At face value, Econet’s play seems to be a reward to subscribers, but free Twitter services have been used by mobile operators to encourage the use of the social media platform which thrives on shared links that users are likely to follow up on, thereby encouraging data use.


  1. Tendai Katsuwa

    Hip Hip, Hooray!

  2. Rangarirai

    As i said before Econet ndewedu!

    Love Econet!!!
    God Bless

  3. Rutendo

    When will this free twitter promotion start exactly because i have jus been on twitter for abt an hr since man utd loss…next thing my 30MB is done. Do I have to dial some special code nhai Econet??

  4. Frank

    Free Twitter yes…..but images have been blocked. More like being given a bike with no wheels.

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