We have just shut the door on 2015, a year that was characterised by its fair share of highs and lows in the technology space. In this podcast, we discuss some of the highlights from the year, including issues like the government’s increased role in ICT, the challenges faced by businesses last year and how some service providers upped competition with new products and services.
What were your own highlights from the year 2015? What do you think we can look forward to in 2016?
Hello Limbikani, 2015 was my Year rezvidzidzo indeed.
I have learnt and managed to access the internet for free, i discovered a loophole but i dont know how i can approach mobile operators to notify them about this
my email address is shadreckzhuanginyu@gmail.com
phone: +263776 438 490
Techzim started with a dull podcast. Where is Lumbikani?
2015 indeed emerged as the great year for many advancements in technology and businesses.
Nice Blog.