Muzinda Hub to host Google’s coding competition Hash Code

If you think you can use your programming skills to solve an engineering problem there’s something happening this February that just might interest you.

Next month Google will be running the online qualification round of the 2016 edition of Hash Code. This is its team based programming competition where participants form their own teams, pick a programming language and solve an engineering problem over two rounds.

Muzinda Hub, a local technology hub will be one of the two participating hubs (along with Great Zimbabwe University in Masvingo) in this year’s edition of Google Hash Code.

The competition is open to college students and any industry professionals aged 18 years above in Europe, Middle East and Africa with the participating teams limited to between two and four members.

Registration is free and will close on 9th February 2016 at 7 pm. The Online Qualification Round which is slated for Thursday, the 11th of February 2016 will be from 7:30pm to 11:30pm.

In each round Google will publish a problem statement which will specify the problem to be solved, the input file format of the expected submission files, and the scoring rules for submission.

Each team is expected to develop original code which is submitted through a Judge System which will be a web application provided by Google.

Past problems have included the development of solutions to tackle challenges with Street View Routing; Optimizing Data Centers and routing solutions for balloons used for Google’s Project Loon. The final round will be held at Google Paris and the winners of the challenge will receive a host of prizes from Google.

If you are interested in taking part you can sign up by following this link or you can reach out to the Muzinda Hub team. More information on the competition is available on the Google Hash Code page.


One response

  1. Gedion Moyo Avatar
    Gedion Moyo

    Interesting development, thanks for sharing this!

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