Twitter service resumes after more than 2 hours of interruption

After more than 2 hours of service outage on Tuesday morning Twitter is back up again. Earlier in the day subcribers to Twitter were unable to access the microblogging platform from both the mobile app and the website.

The social media company had ironically sent out the following tweet,

Other services linked to Twitter that include clients like Tweetdeck were also inaccesbile but are now functional again. No official explanation has been provided to explain what could have caused the outage, though  it seems that for the past few days there have been similar outages, albeit for smaller segments of its subscriber base.

A look at the Twitter Support account show an apology sent out 21 hours ago for a rectified services outage and a similar outage experienced 4 days ago also being adressed.

It would seem that the platform has been going through some changes lately and what most people experienced today has been happening already but on a smaller scale. 


One response

  1. kelvin Dube Avatar
    kelvin Dube

    Same as muzinda Hub that has been down from Friday

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