Econet group hires former SABC, Multichoice & MTG media exec to head Kwese TV

Econet group hires former SABC, Multichoice & MTG media exec to head Kwese TV

Econet Wireless International has hired top African television media executive, Joseph Hundah, to head its newly formed Kwese TV across the continent. According to Hundah’s LinkedIn profile, he took up the post of ‘President and Chief Executive President’ at Econet Media this month. Hundah is a Zimbabwean but has been in South Africa, Nigeria and Ghana for most of his career – at least according to his profile.

Hundah is an interesting hire for Econet’s new venture because of his experience working at media that include SABC, M-Net, SuperSport, Multichoice (where he headed the Nigeria operation for some 3 years), and most recently, MTG Africa, a African TV media company with operations in Nigeria, Ghana and Tanzania.

Combined, Hundah has over over 15 years experience working at a senoir level at Africa’s largest TV media companies. The value of that in skill plus networks is hard to overstate. Ofcourse actual delivery in the job depends on more than just experience and networks.

More closely, his experience at a MTG Africa, a Kinnevik owned company is noteworthy here. As you may know, the Sweden based investment group owns Rocket Internet, an internet marketplace company with classifieds and eCommerce startups across Africa including Zimbabwe, and Millicom, a mobile telecoms business with operations in 6 African countries with some 25 million subscribers in total. Kinnevik also has shares in Iroko, an internet TV company with a focus on Nollywood content.

The similarities between Kinnevik’s investments and what the Econet Wireless is increasingly investing in is hard to ignore. It’s also hard to ignore that Econet keeps hiring Kinnevik company executives to head its new ventures. Last hire was the Rocket Internet e-commerce executive,James Gibson, who eventually left this year just months after his Ownai classifieds had been launched.

There’s one aspect though where the Econet group doesn’t feel like a future Kinnevik – a terrestrial fibre network. Econet owns Liquid Telecom, Africa’s largest terrestrial fibre company that has network presence in some 20 countries on the continent and internet retail operations in at least 5 countries.

It’s still not clear if Ipidi TV will be moved to Econet Media so that the VOD service is part of the Kwese TV effort, or remain an independent operation in the group. We’re guessing the former; maybe not distribution wise (ipidi has been pushed as an extension of the group’s internet retail services with a triple play model) but likely on the content acquisition and production side, as Hundah looks like the group’s most qualified executive in that area.

Image credit: Linkedin Profile


    • justin

      Correction. We are called maZimbaH!

    • Tapiwa✓

      What is it nesu maZimba trying to sound sophisticated maybe??

      Don’t be hater – you haven’t seen his birth certificate. It’s quite rude to make fun of a person’s given name or their appearance. I know a number of “Guzhahs”, and it was right on the birth certificate – there was a time when it was common (nothing to do with sophistication). If anything, it helps non-locals to pronounce the name right (without a rising inflection).

      • Macd Chip

        Actually talking about Guzha clan, lm one of them and we do not right our surname like that!!

        We are from Chihota, kunonzi kuBig rayini. Some moved to Mhondoro. Anyone who puts an H at the end of surname is not one of ours.

        Check out Rashiwe Guzha, no H, bcoz mwana wekwababa mukuru.

        • Tapiwa✓

          Actually talking about Guzha clan, lm one of them and we do not right our surname like that!!

          This is not pertinent to the discussion – the fact is there are real people out there with an ‘h’ at the end of their family names and they were born with those names. It is improper to make fun of their names, IMO.

          • Macd Chip

            Just because they were born with it doesnt make it right!

            A lot people were born and grew under colonialism, does it mean colonialism was/is right?

        • Mutongi Gava

          Then Guzhah with an ‘H’ is not from your Clan. You are Guzha and he is Guzhah. He never claimed to be a Guzhah. So what is the problem with the complainant? By the way, anyone is allowed to, legally change their name to what they want. He is probably a Guzha who decided to change his name by adding H. I don’t see it affecting anybody’s life or finances. People must mind their business.

  1. The Oathkeeper

    Kikikiki disowning our roots I guess in favor of been more leaning on the western side. My point of view, i stand to be corrected.

    • Count Von

      i think its a gimmick to make non shona speakers pronounce the name correctly the first time waizivaH

  2. VaMhlanga

    He feels ” inadequate” to be “just” Hunda, it must be ” Hundah” kuti “zvityise”. Poor young man. Even Masiyiwa himself is still Masiyiwa, not Masiyiwah.

  3. blamita

    ‘H’ kutyi zvityise.hanzi i’m now learned so my name should also be learned.kkk

    • Simba

      That’s how he has always spelt that name whether it’s a family thing that’s how I have known him musavenge

  4. kaflaxi

    My people perish.because of.lack.of knowledge…kana mwari vakataura wani..the has.H is at e.end naana babamudiki.and everyone…musangoshore..ndosakamuchitorerwa mabasa kushaya chikoro ikoko kwamurikuita…that’s the probl with zimbos who have nothing to o bsy looking at the left side look. straight. ahead and fgorget about peoples surnames….you are silly….unotadza kuita mari cause you are focusing on the minor…

  5. sam

    The article is about media and econet trying to expand its product range, including the resources they are hiring to strengthen their media division, yet the only meaningful think you saw was the surname. Go jump of a cliff!!!!!!!!

    • Mhofu

      That’s what we call hating Sam. Typical of people of that don’t read. CONGRATS on your new appointment Joe!

  6. kaflaxi

    My people perish.because of.lack.of knowledge…kana mwari vakataura wani..the has.H at e.end naana babamudiki.and everyone…musangoshore..ndosakamuchitorerwa mabasa kushaya chikoro ikoko kwamurikuita…that’s the probl with zimbos who have nothing to do bsy looking at the left side look. straight. ahead and fgorget about peoples surnames….you are silly….unotadza kuita mari cause you are focusing on the minor…

  7. Observer

    When will Econet learn they have been wasting money hiring top level execs for their projects which is a drain on their resources and shareholders money instead they should just have product manager and a small team to carry out the new business. This might just be another Seldon water knowing the way they do things!

    • Management Consultant

      top businesses need thought lradrrs, otherwise they would be no different from the millions of tuck shops all over Africa!

  8. Cross with an H

    I like how this guy is: President and Chief Executive President

  9. Citizen4

    President and Chief Executive President… Welcome to Africa ?

  10. Count Von

    we will be knocking on your doors Mr President

  11. Adrian

    #Observer it’s called setting a trend and giving clients value for their money, I believe Kwese TV is DEFINITELY moving in the right direction in terms of their platform (cable TV_ undersea fibre optic internet cable tv) NO ONE in Africa is doing this ….and a son of the soil is doing it and u mock his direction…”just have product manager and a small team to carry out the new business.” …really????? silly individual !!!

    • Observer

      Nonsense its called wasting shareholder value none of the big companies like Verizon or Vodacom rush to appoint super executives positions before the product has actually gained critical mass!! Think Adrian dont rush to put to get passionate about someone being a son of the soil most of these new product that Econet is launching are not seeming to get traction despite the massive costs they are incurring e.g Ecofarmer, Seldon water, Econet Solar and so forth prove me wrong first and I will humbly accept my error!

      • Mutongi Gava

        But remember, it takes people to do work in order to make the product gain critical mass. How does it gain ground without the people. Who is going to draft Policies and apply for all legal documents if you do not have experts. These experts are the ones who will work through all procedures to make sure that the Product complies with the relevant Authorities. In Business, there is something called Capital for Start up. It all depends on how much Capital you have depending on the researches done. Some Businesses never kick off due to lack of Capital. By the way, this Project is already way off and close to launch. Remember these people are not doing this Business for the first time. This is just an addition, as they grow.

  12. elisha

    Wish you the best, thank you econet for empowering our own son and having faith in local guys.

  13. Proud African

    Thats axactly wat we do as africans,wen our own rises we switch on the crab mentality and start pulling them down.
    All the same you realy cant keep a good man down.

    • Macd Chip

      You are right! Im sure that is the reason why his surname is migrating from Africa to Europe.

  14. Nature

    Innovation or what? Regai tione kuti zvinofamba sei?

  15. Nature

    Innovation or what? Regai tione kuti zvinofamba sei? All the same.

  16. Dr. Ernest Abaho

    I am from Uganda. My name is Abaho. I think I will too change too Abahoh. It’s the H thing. Am enjoying the discussion

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