Time for a dating app in Zimbabwe

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Whenever I engage Zimbabweans on the issue of trying to find love using virtual means, a version of one argument always comes up: dating sites in the traditional sense are not necessary in Zimbabwe.

Young people and middle-aged singles, the argument goes on, actually use social media to hook up with those they like. WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are supposed to have supplanted traditional online dating platforms.

I have two things to say to those who advance this argument:

  1. They are missing the point of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, which is not dating. The first three are social networking sites first, while WhatsApp is an instant-messaging platform. People go to these to share, catch up, read news, etc, but not primarily to find Mr/Miss Right.
  2. They underestimate how difficult it is to (mis)-use the aforementioned sites to scout for romantic partners. People may project sanitized, perfect versions of themselves on Facebook, but on a deeper, psychological level, they are not trying to use the site for hookups. Even when they are definitely single and searching. So much that anyone who interacts with them from an angle of trying to hook up simply comes simply as misguided at best and at worst, creepy.

That said, people approach dating sites differently. As as user of a dating site I am aware of the fact that everyone I see on the site – every profile I check out – belongs to someone who is also searching. This optimizes everyone’s time and leaves no room for ambiguity.

Zimbabwe is readier for a dating website than ever before

Africa has the youngest population in the world. Zimbabwe does not buck the trend. It’s not only youths who are priming the demographics towards entrepreneurship around dating, but middle-agers too are part of the mix, as they comprise what is surprisingly the most active group on Facebook.

With internet penetration and smartphone usage surging in Zimbabwe, the circumstances are ripe.

It is my impression that Zimbabweans who want to find love or hookups online are a frustrated lot. Foreign options (extensions of international dating sites) are expensive and sparse in options.

Local options are poor. A Techzim article on a related topic concluded that while a few enterprising Zimbabweans have attempted bringing Zimbabwean singles onto one natively created platform (examples: topface.com, zimbabweonlinedating.com, zimhookup.com) the market was tepid and in great need of a game-changer.

From my observations,  local attempts at creating the Zimbabwean solutions suffer challenges that range from lack of maintenance, under-subscription, and technical inadequacy.

In Kenya, for contrast, those using the internet to find their better halves have many options, two of which are DateMeKenya and KenyanCupid.com. The East Africans (along with South Africa) frequently lead they way, ahead of Zimbabwe, in finding digital solutions to everyday challenges. This is one more area Zimbabwe can learn from Kenya.

My 3 Ideas for Changing the Game:

Go multicultural

Mixing things up, especially along racial lines, might be a difficult thing to pull off but it will be worth the shot. Zimbabwean social media, except a little bit on Twitter, hardly reflects the country’s diversity to the fullest.

The innovator who will finally create the dating app that takes off in Zimbabwe will cater to, and attract, people from all cultural backgrounds. Don’t ask me how.

Think mobile


That is simply how Zimbabweans are browsing the web. Again, this makes it even harder because a dating site that carries full functionality depends on the visual presentation of members’ profiles – pictures are especially important – and this is harder to incorporate in mobile. However, if Facebook and other major social networking sites are pulling it off, so can a dating app!

Focus on millennials

This should be primary focus group, for the simple reasons that internet use, social media use, and other aspects of digital occur as more “natural” to people in this group.

In Zimbabwe, with its booming population of college students, there are no prizes for guessing the demographic where “all the money” is lying. Remember how Facebook started, right? Bingo.


  1. edza

    This optimizes everyone’s time and leaves no room for ambiguity.

    most times its the adventure of ambiguity that thrills

  2. Random User

    i think its one of those things that wont fly because online dating doesnt fit our culture and general way of life. There used to be penpal sections in old zim magazines and some newspapers… I dont think they were ever popular. This is a modernized version of that and in my opinion, ghetto youths (which make up most of the youth population) are not ready for it

  3. Macd Chip

    People are struggling with everyday life, struggling to have a single dollar to get by, then you think they will have spare money to buy expensive internet bundles for trying love on net??

    Whatsapp is popular because people are using it to do business and replaced expensive text messages….

    Facebook is popular because Zimbabweans are scattered around the world and people want to keep in touch with their friends and relatives.

    That include all other social apps, but lm not sure what will make the dating app so popular, its not like people are struggling to find love or love being expensive to do through what we are customed to.

  4. G

    seeing that people are using the internet for doing business and communication as u state, is it not logical to assume that since people now trust the “internet” then finding love using online platforms is a logical step. everyone needs love. my issue is just on the business model of a dating app, how do u make money. advertising, paid membership, . . . .

    1. Dominic Mhiripiri

      Advertising (and creating affiliate networks) is one obvious channel, and once sustainability has been established through growing membership, a subscription model can also be considered/adopted. Any premium content and add-on features can also be pay-walled and that’s yet another revenue model.

  5. zimdate app

    zimdate app is a zimbabwean dating app

    1. Dominic Mhiripiri
  6. Nick

    I like the idea of going multicultural! I live in the UK, but I’m not the English. Anyway, i started surfing Slavic sites to find a Slavic woman. I found one site (heandshetoday.com in case you wanna know) and had already a few calls and meetings with ladies. I am pretty sure i’m gonna find my future wife soon. But now i think maybe i should try with search for Zimbabwean lady?!

  7. Charles M

    All those comments with people saying Zimbabweans aren’t ready, it’s not in our culture, ghetto youths blah blah blah you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. The convenience of online dating is that so overwhelming and Zimbos have already taken it up in droves. Some misguided individual up there said:

    “People are struggling with everyday life, struggling to have a single dollar to get by, then you think they will have spare money to buy expensive internet bundles for trying love on net??” —> Yes despite the hardsh circumstances people are sparing money to, “expensive internet bundles for trying love on net”!!! Just check out the number of zimbas on these dating sites & apps:

    http://www.badoo.com – also has mobile app
    http://www.twoo.com – also has mibile app
    http://www.okcupid.com – also has app
    – Tinder Mobile app
    – Dating Buzz Zimbabwe – http://zw.datingbuzz.com/

    And this is besides the online dating that happens on non dating platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

  8. kondwani banda

    i need a girl