[Podcast] Here’s What The Telecoms Quality Of Service Regulatory Framework Means For Every Zimbabwean

Nigel Gambanga Avatar
Base stations in Zimbabwe

As far as Zimbabwean telecoms go the recently gazetted Quality of Service and customer care regulations are a step in the right direction for all consumers.

We know that all users of telecoms services will now be protected by the legal instrument which will reign in all operators to ensure that they provide the best sort of service with the best quality standards. Still, people are keen to find out how these regulations actually work for the ordinary Zimbabwean.

In this episode, we recorded our quick interview with Tafadzwa Mugabe, a Zimbabwean legal practitioner who has an interest in IT law and intellectual property issues in the country.

He answered some of the questions that have emerged so far regarding this piece of legislation and has offered to share his mind regarding this new regulatory framework.

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If you have any questions regarding these regulations, please share them in the comments section below or on social media.