Econet’s mobile financial service EcoCash and fuel distributor Total Zimbabwe announced a partnership which gives all EcoCash subscribers the option to pay for fuel using mobile money.
Over the past two weeks EcoCash had been advertising this payment option for some service stations but the latest announcement looks like a rollout of this payment alternative to all Total Zimbabwe service stations.
It’s another move by EcoCash to postion itself as the default solution to Zimbabwe’s current cash crisis. Earlier this month it also removed merchant payment charges as a way of encouraging the use of the mobile money service for all retail payments.
With a nationwide rollout of e-payments for fuel covered, it would be great if Ecocash pushed for the adoption of tools like its debit card and the Ecocash Ta as support features that would help with the ease of payment.
Tapping or swiping a card at a service station is a lot more cconvenient for every driver than punching through a series of USSD codes.
7 responses
Well, I went to Total Westgate yesterday evening and they said they are no longer accepting EcoCash payments for fuel purchases. I had managed to do so some 2 weeks back so was surprised. Hoping it was an isolated case…….
ecocash ta has so much potential, it can be used for virtually an form of transactions – i.e taxis, musika
if the bitcoin companies could create such a bitcoin wallet that is linked to a phone verification for each transaction – this could really help
Good Move Econet thank you..this was overdue…..some few months ago driving from Byo i was forced to park and sleep overnight at a certain Highway service station after running out of fuel…….but had cash in my EcoCash wallet. If you could extend this to other service stations that will help. I concur with the writer of the article……if Econet could also move to introduce EcoCash ta….. for faster transactions.
we, the ordinary zimbos have never been short of innovation. this is service is long overdue, no doubt. but, our government is still the same. they (gvt) always find a way to stifle innovation.
its sad that not all zimbos are as persistant as eco chii. gudos (sic) to you econet
For Kombis there is one problem. Kombi drivers and hwindis actually rely on stealing from their murungu (kombi owner). So if you just introduce some of these systems they will resist them. I suggest you consult, i.e. have meeting with combi drivers and hwindis and agree on a way forward before coming up with some of these innovations.
Having worked with hwindis and kombi drivers, its a waste of time to consult and try to get get anything reasonable out of those people. Their mentality is not something you can use to develop a nation.
Dear sir/madam
please can you send me forms to apply for Total Fuel Card.