image credit – Huffington Post
Porn is illegal in Zimbabwe but in spite of this fact, it’s still being consumed regularly in different formats with one of the recent indicators being the popularity of adult websites on the list of the most viewed sites.
Thanks to technology like the internet and the way media is easier to share, produce and consume, it’s getting harder for the authorities to enforce any regulation on what people watch and make as well so it’s not surprising that a lot of people are helping themselves to such content.
So what does the law actually say about indecent material like porn?
According to Zimbabwe’s Censorship and Entertainment Act (which was instituted back in 1967), it is illegal to import, print, publish, manufacture, make or produce, distribute, display, exhibit or sell or offer or keep for sale any publication anything that is deemed by the Censorhip Board to be indecent.
This means that sharing that lewd WhatsApp video or pic, or having it in your possession(including your phone) or making such content (you shouldn’t be making those “home videos”) is an offence.
Anyone who is caught violating this can be fined or imprisoned for up to one year.
You can read more on what this act actually says by following the link below to get a pdf version and understand what really is legal or permissible.
Zimbabwe’s Censorship and Entertainment Act (pdf version)
What tells me Techzim is full of “old $#%*@” who still think porn is a sin for adults? Grow up please.
I don’t think it’s fair to castigate TechZim for giving a view on the legal position of the subject within our country.
It is time that law is put to bed. All First World and economically performing countries have accepted that prohibiting porn for ADULTS is a stupid law. Look at how easy it is to access porn.
Just by typing on google you can get customised porn
Just by even visiting Facebook you will be bombarded with porn
Just by visiting some clubs in Zimbabwe adult acts are being done.
The law is of 1967… We are in 2016…. This alone tells you a lot.
These are issues that you should take up with your MP. Until such a time as this matter is debated in parliament, it remains illegal. It is unfortunately that simple.
wat a backward government.. whats wrong w porn?
1967 law…..
Damn imperialists!! They keep their Rhodies laws we keep our Zimbabwe!
How did we even allow this imperialist law to make it past 1980! This law is a hidden agenda to take our country back to those slavery days.
We say never ever! We will have our sharp legal minds on this and make sure that our young energetic ICT Minister give it attention it deserve and repeal it asap!