Twitter adds features to help you ignore cyber bullies and trolls

Twitter lite, Social Media, Twimbos,

Twitter recently introduced new features that allow everyone to filter content and effectively control what we see and who we interact with.

The notifications feature allows you to switch off  notifications from people you do not follow.

Meaning, if someone you do not follow was to comment, retweet or like a tweet you have posted, you will not receive a notification on your notifications page, it will be as if it never happened.

However, if you were to go to the tweet, you would be able to see it.

The quality filter takes it a step further by filtering out any low-quality content like duplicate tweets and automated content (e.g. sponsored tweets).

The quality filter allows you to clean out your timeline and exclusively view content from people you follow.

This means if you post a tweet and someone you don’t follow comments, likes or retweets it, you do not see it, saving you the trouble of getting into an argument or debate with someone you don’t know and could be half way around the world.

Twitter has long been trying to deal with cyberbullying and trolling on its platform and improving the user’s experience.

This move by Twitter is a welcome relief to many Twitter users. as people do not have control over retweets of their tweets, and could find someone in India commenting on something they tweeted an hour ago.

Twitter describes it as:

Quality filtering aims to remove all Tweets from your notifications timeline that contain threats, offensive or abusive language, duplicate content, or are sent from suspicious accounts.

It’s difficult to regulate how far your tweet reaches, and sometimes a very personal tweet can be seen around the world through retweets, but at least now you can filter out all the comments and keep your twitter experience personal.

Here is how to turn off notifications:

  • Open the mobile app, then select the Notifications tab
  • iOS users should tap on the gear icon in the top-left corner.
  • Android users can tap on the menu icon in the bottom-right corner then Notification Settings
  • Slide the Quality Filter switch to the On position.


One response

  1. Macd Chip Avatar
    Macd Chip

    Can they also add a feature which will help me ignore Techzim?

    They are bulling me into reading it everyday!!

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