Twitter suspends 360,000 accounts for abusive content, plus how to report tweets and accounts

Twitter lite, Social Media, Twimbos,

Twitter has suspended 360,000 accounts for violating its prohibitions on violent threats and promotion of terrorism over the past year.

The move is in line with its  public policy that aims to combat any subversive content.

According to their official blog statement, daily suspensions have surged by 80% , with a significant rise suspensions occurring after terrorist attacks.

Twitter has expanded their regulation team to cater for their diverse users and utilize their tools and language expertise.

They are also in collaboration with other social media platforms to help identify terrorist threats and establish best practices.

If you would like to report a tweet or account for abusive content please follow the guidelines below as recommended by Twitter:

To report a Tweet:

  1. Navigate to the Tweet you’d like to report.
  2. Click or tap the more icon ••• (on web and iOS), or tap the overflow icon  (on Android).
  3. Select Report.
  4. Select It’s abusive or harmful.
  5. Next, you qill be asked to provide more information about the issue you’re reporting. You may also be asked to select additional Tweets from the account you’re reporting so they have better context to evaluate your report.
  6. Once you’ve submitted your report, you will be provided with recommendations for additional actions you can take to improve your Twitter experience.

To report an account:

  1. Go to the account profile and click or tap the gear icon  (on web and iOS), or tap the overflowicon  (on Android).
  2. Select Report.
  3. Select They’re being abusive or harmful.
  4. Next, you will be asked to provide additional information about the issue you’re reporting. You may be asked to select Tweets from the account so we have better context to evaluate your report.
  5. Once you’ve submitted your report, you will be provided with recommendations for additional actions you can take to improve your Twitter experience.



One response

  1. Macd Chip Avatar
    Macd Chip

    Did twitter hired Mandiwanzira for this?

    ( )

    People are very slow to catch-up with changes in technology, twitter is doing the right thing, and this also must be done at government level to protect citizens.

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