Energy – The Countdown To Going Alternative Part 1

Pot on fire

Image Credit: Upsplash – Rodion Kusaev

You have decided you need energy, and it has to be clean and green. Whether it is to save money, backup your grid supply, become energy independent or as a primary source of energy, there are a few facts you need to know and embrace in order to make a wise decision.

A lot of us opt for alternative energy either based on our emotions or pockets. Our emotions say – “I am so upset about all these power cuts I need to do something” and we make an emotional decision. While others put their pocket first – “these guys are too expensive I am sure I can do it cheaper”.

In both cases the fundamentals are thrown out of the door, and in so doing open a door of opportunity for the “opportune electrician” salesman.

As much as you safeguard yourself against buying the loaf of bread with a hole in the middle, you need to do the same when making a decision on alternative energy to use in the home.

So how do we do it? In this two part series of articles we shall present these guidelines that will guarantee a successful solution is availed to cater for your requirements

  1. Define your need as specifically as possible. Is it to heat water only, or do you need to cook as well? The difference between the two needs is in the equipment required.
  1. Contact an alternative energy consultant or research on the internet to determine the most suitable alternative energy technology that will suit your requirement. (Most alternative energy companies will have an expert on hand, so you may need consult a few to get a consensus) Taking the above example, water heating only will require a solar water heating solution whilst cooking will require biogas or a solar cooker.

All three solutions may be readily available. In selecting the right technology make sure you understand what inputs are required   in order to achieve the result you want. Again as an example, all a solar cooker needs is the sun whilst biogas needs you to feed the digester and maintain that feed process.  One of the two maybe simpler than the other, and you will be able to assess as an individual or family which option suits you best.

  1. Once you have specified the need and selected an appropriate technology, you now need to make contact with at least three service providers that specialise in the chosen technology. In your selection make sure to carry out your due diligence to ensure that the company’s record in the area satisfies you.

You can now have a discussion with the companies about your requirements, but with full knowledge of your needs as well as the technology required.

Next week we will look at the dialogue you must have with the service providers you have selected, and if the answers tick all the boxes then they are the service provider to engage for the next stage… See you next week and have a very green week ahead. #GoGreen #StayGreen


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