6 Products I’m Considering Buying This (AliExpress) 11.11 Sale…

The clock is ticking and looking like it’s just hours left before this years Massive 11.11 Sale begins. Here’s hoping you’ve done your precautionary bit and are now just watching the clock. In order for you to be in on the fun, I’d suggest that you prepare, prepare, prepare. Once the Sale starts be sure you know what you are out to buy – sure, you may be swayed by an odd bargain here or there, but be careful as this may lead to impulse buying.

So, what am I planning on buying?

In fact, some my question why I want to support foreigners and import stuff, when the country (Zimbabwe) has no funds in its nostro accounts and we’re not able to pay for basic things such as cooking oil and fuel. Why add to our woes? Well, I’d gladly support anyone local who is manufacturing the things I’m setting out to buy. The sad thing is that everyone who sells the below listed products, have themselves imported them (from China most probably), put 100% markup after all expenses and now want to sell these goods at a premium.

Yes, that’s the way business rocks in Zimbabwe. No, this article does not set out to speak about these issues, I just wanna give you a heads up of items I am considering buying for myself and for the office – because hey, Bond Notes are coming and who knows what will happen to all that money in the bank.

1. Earphones/Headphones

At the office we prefer to ‘plug out’ and each person goes to their “zone”. Unfortunately, earphones have been expensive at best and pathetic quality at worst. We’ve got some from South Africa, thought that by paying over R60 each that they’d meet the bill, sadly a few days later we were back to the drawing board.

I have set my eyes on these over here, hopefully, they’ll solve the problem long term.

2. Nokia 3310

Yes, you read that correctly.

Fancy getting myself one of these in order to reminisce the good ol’ days. Yes, while searching through AliExpress some time back I came across these and I was happily surprised. If my memory serves me correct, this was my second phone – Siemens C10 was my first!

You can check out what’s available here.

3. Amazon Kindle Covers

For over a year now, not only have I become a Kindle owner, but an avid reader. Yes, who would have thought. The guy who was first over the durawall at 1pm at high school, who was denied being a prefect because of my bunking school now fancies reading of all things.

Reading is a wonderful thing that allows you to peer into the minds of others and helps you to have a better perspective of things from someone else’s point of view. To be honest, I think in the last year, I read and listened to more books than in my whole life.

Anyhow, I would not recommend getting an e-book reader from AliExpress, I shall put down why in another post, but what I do know is that everyone at the office has (or is getting one) and so covers will be needed. Amazon sells them at a premium, not worth it me thinks, so rather get it through our Look East policy.


4. SD Memory Cards

Of late we have been using our cameras more at the office, if not for taking pictures then for video. Hardly a day goes by without us having taken a snap of something that we’d deem to be of value.

As such, the storage space that we have is now too small. 32 GB that is.

We’ll be looking to either double or quadruple it by getting bigger storage. Unfortunately, we’re yet to make the move for a GoPro or a DJI Phantom 3 Quadcopter but I’m sure when we do, one of these 1 TB storage cards will come in handy.

We’l be deciding from among these Micro SD Cards as to what is sufficient for our needs.

5. Cellphone Arm Band Belt

Yes, after falling in love with reading I was then exposed to audio books and as such have managed to listen to about a book a week, that would take me a month to read.

When I take my morning walks, I leave home with the phone and headphones in hand, but sometimes the shorts I wear are not best suited for holding a phone and so I have to walk with it in my hand.

An arm band belt solves this, as I just select the book I want to listen to, press play and forget about everything. Very little interference from me. I’ll be getting one of these here

6. Something For The Mrs

So in all my past trips and on my shopping escapades I always get for my wife what I long to see her in – NOTHING. So this time, I’m deciding to up things a notch, I won’t get into all the nitty gritty details and make you look at the Mrs awkwardly when you see her, but I may pick up something from round about here (NSFW – just look at the clothes, nothing else gents)

However, don’t get too experimental, ZIMRA have a pretty strict policy on adult products, as they say that they are censored. I know, a “friend” told me. So bad, that after they scan your parcel, they impound it and tell you that your product is going to be burnt.

As we approach the big day, I will attempt to do one more posts that gives you tips and tricks for what you should do to save even further, but also to avoid any unnecessary mishaps with ZIMRA.

If you have any questions and/or comments, please feel free to post below and I’d be sure to answer to the best of my ability.

Be sure to check out the other posts that I’ve penned thus far on how to buy from AliExpress both here and here.


  1. marengz

    thanks a lot. this gives us ideas.

  2. Junior

    How much does Zimra charge when u buy a gadget from outside?

    1. L.S.M Kabweza

      Zimra’s Tariff handbook might help guide you http://www.zimra.co.zw/index.php?option=com_phocadownload&view=category&id=6:customs&Itemid=112

      Download the “Tariff Rulings Database 2013” on that page.

      1. Junior


  3. Welly M

    Whats our zip code for Zim

    1. L.S.M Kabweza

      No zipcodes. use a string like 00000, or 00263 or other

  4. tendai katsuwa

    How do we pay for purchases – Mastercard/ Visa ??

    1. William Chui

      You can use any of the above mentioned to pay

  5. JohnLeyo

    It’s here! The #1111 Global Shopping Festival on #AliExpress has started!! Shop the sale now

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