Last week Thursday we attended the launch of Econet’s new “Smart Data Network” campaign which it plans to advertise across the country via an ambitious print and broadcast media drive to raise awareness of internet use over its network in Zimbabwe
The event itself was slightly obscured but its aim was clearly visible, Econet believes it has the best data network in Zimbabwe (something we already know) and it’s ready to prove it to all its doubters.
Each speaker at the event spoke highly of the steps Econet has taken to ensure it delivers the best smart data network performance and coverage in Zimbabwe with thinly veiled shots directed at its mobile network competitors NetOne and Telecel and their “not so smart” subscribers.
They boastfully spoke of its official data network partnerships with Samsung and Apple which allows them to test device and operating system performance over its network ensuring the best internet and mobile network experience to its users. Econet also declared it has the only Apple certified 4G LTE network and is currently the data network of choice for Samsung in Zimbabwe.
It is so confident of its data network it has decided to conduct its own “SpeedTest Competition” where subscribers can post their Ookla SpeedTest (mobile application) results on Econet’s social media pages to stand a chance of winning shopping vouchers and airtime, sound familiar?
It seems Econet has finally come to terms with changing subscriber trends. Voice and SMS are fast on the decline with data now being the most sought after communication commodity. Data allows subscribers to utilize a wide range of OTT services like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter which have slowly become primary modes of communication tools over voice calls and text messages. Econet itself may now be evolving into a data-focused company to match subscriber trends.
Through this statement of intent, Econet is ready to reignite the recent rivalry between its subscribers and fans of NetOne’s economic OneFusion data product. Through our own SpeedTests, Econet has proven to have the better network but still remains the most expensive option.
The economic aspect of data still remains a key issue in Zimbabwe, it is simply too expensive. The only affordable day-to-day data option on Econet are its daily bundles which expire after 24hrs, besides that the majority of their data products are unaffordable to most if not all subscribers.
Econet may have the best data network but still receives heavy backlash from the public for its pricing, which also adds to the number of complaints it receives for alleged “theft” of data. It’s difficult to explain to a subscriber how their data finished when they paid so much for it, which puts Econet in a tough position because of the better the network the higher the chances of data being consumed faster.
What was interesting to notice is that Econet is setting out on a “Smart Data Network” campaign without a signature product? NetOne has OneFusion, which at the moment is the most popular data product. We have noticed the growing number of subscribers abandoning Econet for better data options on NetOne, in our social media groups at least up to 5 people a week concede defeat to Econet’s pricing and move to OneFusion, and that’s just in one WhatsApp group!
To make sense of their campaign, we would think Econet would have come up with a product similar to and ready to compete with OneFusion. Sadly this was not the case as this seems like Econet trying to revive a known dead horse, the people need something new and affordable, not the same thing packaged differently.
From the feedback, we have received we have noticed that unless the subscribers are utilizing the data network for business-related activities they are willing to forego better performance for a cheaper product. Most internet related activities are more than capable of being enjoyed at 10mbps speeds which NetOnes’s OneFusion averages out to, so the extra 15Mbps Econet’s LTE network is offering isn’t what subscribers are will pay more for. 10Mbps is generally able to stream 1080p video, offer fast web browsing and since it’s a single user on a mobile device should do this comfortably.
Our point is, it’s great that Econet has an amazingly fast, reliable and efficient data network but at its pricing, very few people can afford to experience it. Their network, which they are clearly building for the future of data based communication, is the best in Zimbabwe, but at the wrong pricing may continue to be overshadowed by a second-rate product.
Yes, it then becomes an issue of the regulator, POTRAZ, adjusting pricing or approving promotions, but why then market a product you may receive heavy backlash with. Can the public even afford to take part in the SpeedTests which average 30-40mb per test on LTE and 20-30 per test on 3G? who is willing to do it on a budget of 250mb for the day?
19 responses
Personally I used to use Econet for my data,but have since moved on to Telecel simply because in the suburb I stay in, Telecel provides,the best value for money and uninterrupted network use. Yes they might have 4G/LTE as a trump card but, Telecel’s H+ is more than enough for my Facebook,Whatsapp,Twitter and Skype needs. For the 24hr bundles Telecel offers 50MB more and NetOne had their 48 hr bundle revoked so as a customer though I’d enjoy lightning fast internet ,I wouldn’t want to pay over the top for it. So for me affordability is the magic word
Data price will trump speed on any day as most users will not need 15Mbps for daily use when all u got is a weekly or monthly whatsapp bundle(ahhh the wonderful internet neutrality). SpeedTest Competition is just another clever way of conducting a free country wide network test/survey. good luck to every one who bites on to that hook…..
Econet just chewed 2 gigs of data in 1 hour, download speed of 4.4kb. Cant believe that. Am done with them
You cannot chew 2gigs at that speed you mentioned, get your numbers right!! Its understandable that you do not like Econet, but do not lie, in IT, lies are easy to expose
I suppose Taxoe was getting 4.4Kbps from the active application, say Opera mini. However its a possibility that background applications were performing updates/downloads at a much higher rate and thus leaving the active app with less data rate.
I agree
i will go with NetOne anyday, until maybe Econet introduces a fairly competitive package to OneFusion, which is very unlikely as yet.
Lies. Telecel anyday. Econet data performance has gone to the dogs! You may have been the best at some point but not anymore!
I do not buy that selling gimmick Econet is trying. If you understand how QoS works then you can easily see how they are traffic engineering their network to appear as though its fast. They have planted DNS servers all over Africa, so if you ping, their cached DNS can easily respond hence making it look its fast.
If they start to have content servers, which l think Econet refused to host for Google a while back, then they might start talking of their network being fast. One big issue with our traffic is that its never destined for servers in Africa, its always server in US or EU, which makes it expensive for local ISP most of the time.
We need to start generating local content, or have to host cache content servers so that our traffic remain local or if we become good then people from around the world can start to access our local content then our ISPs can have some leverage to negotiate good deals.
As long as the traffic is inwards, our ISPs will always remain powerless to have influence any on the pricing of international data traffic costs.
No truer words have i read today @macdChip.
The econet guy looks like the Mr bean look a like …LOL
Econet’s internet speed is as good as the way they make your airtime disappear or rather vanish, I’m now happily with Telecel, where i subscribe to the megachat and daily data bundles. One fusion only starts from $5 dollars so its too much for me but anyhow good product for bigger pockets.
Is Mr Bean now working at Econet????
OneFusion is more affordable & reasonably priced plan in the country so far. I have moved over to OneFusion for my data needs & my Econet sim card its in my “MBUDZI” as i speak. So speed is not the most important aspect but value for money products like OneFusion anotora mari.
Too pompous for nothing those Econet guys. Best Internet when there are outages every week
The presentation is a bid to justify the unfair pricing policy of Econet. I would not be caugjt using Econet data fast or slow.
We do agree that econet has the best internet speeds in Zw, but the problem is very few people use it. Countries like Botswana and SA offer more for your money ie. Orange Bostwana sells you 48hrs on data access to all social sites e.g Google-T, youtube, wikipedia, Gmail etc for only P5 and for all unlimited site browsing for only P20 without downloads.
Its funny to Know that on Africa’s Development list we do know that in Botswana a person might own 2-3 cars and here in Zimbwabwe according to studies its well known that people within this country own more smartphones that cars and its sad we do not use them fully
They should give NetOne’s OneFusion package a try then they will just SHUT UP!
price vs speed?
with d current economic crisis & “arnd” d corner bondNote, most zimbos consider PRICE.I just d price factor shld be taken y econet seriously coz i c them soon becoming irrelevant to d market.A few pipo understand or worse even care abt d extra-ordinary speeds dt econet offers.
pliz ECONET create a #ONE FUSION bundle rival