EcoCash makes it easier for you to pay your Church tithing during this cash crisis


Earlier today, we noticed that EcoCash, the country’s most subscribed mobile financial service provider, recently added two new interesting features to its menu.

The two new menu items bring some much-needed convenience in this current cash crisis providing an option to pay pressing school fees and make your religious tithing without the burden of needing cash. The options were previously available, at least the school fees option to our knowledge, but were never thrown to the forefront as one of its feature services on its menu. Now all you have to do is:

  • Dial *151#
  • Select Option 2: Make Payment
  • Select Option 5: Transfer to Churchimg_9081

The menu items, “Pay Your SchoolFees” and “Transfer to Church” were added under the “Make Payment Category”. After requesting to make a “transfer” one is then prompted to enter their Church’s merchant code then asked whether the transfer is a payment, tithing, building fund donation or any other transfer to the Church (you are asked to enter details for purpose of transaction). img_9085

Currently, there are 3 Churches officially listed with merchant codes by EcoCash, these are Celebration Church (36270), UFIC (35211) and ZAOGA (31986). We’re not sure if there are any other Churches with merchant codes but we think they probably are.

You can thank EcoCash for allowing you to go to Church in peace once again.


3 responses

  1. Macd Chip Avatar
    Macd Chip

    “…You can thank EcoCash for allowing you to go to Church in peace once again..”

    It should read “You can thank Ecocash for allowing you to give Papa more money to fly in for sunday services, buy more mercs, employ more supervicious bodyguards, and when things go wrong Papa will enough cash stushed away and he can run away and leave abroad like another Papa who is now hidding in Manchester”

    …whilst you are struggling to get mari yekombi!

  2. tinm@n Avatar

    Profiting from the tithe?

    I’m no saint, but never thought Econet would stray in that direction.

  3.  Avatar

    its convenient for those who believe in tithing..we dont care how or where the money is used..we have done our part and thanx to ECOCASH we can pay our tithes easily….

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