Yesterday we wrote on how we lost $20 to EcoCash and the unsuccessful process we went through to try and recover it. After sharing our experience, within an hour EcoCash had responded to us with a phone call apologizing for the inconvenience.
The EcoCash support agent requested a few more details and promised to have the issue resolved and by end of day, I had received a reversal confirmation of $20 into my EcoCash wallet.
When we spoke to the agent we asked her the obvious question of how an individual can go about making a successful request to have a transaction reversed or express any issues with EcoCash. Their response was expected:
- call their toll-free call center on 114
- call them on their landline +2634861121/6
- engage in a live chat with an online agent
- email them directly on
- Engage them via Twitter on @EcoCashZW
- Engage them via Facebook on their page EcoCash Zimbabwe
Another option would be to copy the regulator POTRAZ in all correspondence with EcoCash or any other mobile operator. When you have any complaint make sure you tag/copy:
- POTRAZ’s Facebook page
- POTRAZ’s Twitter account on @Potraz_zw
- E-mail account for complaints:
- Or call their toll-free number directly on 0800 4303
This is not just about Econet though, if you have any issues with your Mobile Operator, Internet Service Provider, TelOne or even ZimPost lodge a complaint directly with the regulator on the above-mentioned details.
Lastly, we would like to help anyone with a complaint by using our platform to get your voice heard. Tag us in your Tweets (@Techzim), Facebook Post (@techzim) or cc’ in your E-mail to the regulator/MNO. We will repost/retweet your complaint to a wider audience to hopefully generate enough attention to get it resolved.
We were lucky to get our money back but through this experience, we have been made aware of Zimbabweans complaints left unattended and whilst being subjected to a run-a-round just like we were.
TechZim requesting its money back is very different to an individual’s request, we experienced this first hand, without yesterday’s article we may have never got our money back so let us help you get your voice out.
4 responses
Lastly, we would like to help anyone with a complaint by using our platform to get your voice heard. Tag us in your Tweets (@Techzim), Facebook Post (@techzim) or cc’ in your E-mail to the regulator/MNO. We will repost/retweet your complaint to a wider audience to hopefully generate enough attention to get it resolved. Good move but being a 4th year college student i would also wish to see you posting more of tech news to boost my assignments like you used to do…………or Do i see bad blood between Techzim and Econet here????????? LOL
Ziva zvekudzidza Scholar vamwe takadzidza wani kusina TechZim tikapedza madegree. This is part of TechZim’s CSR…..
It means your Four years in college were not in vain. Some have the Zanu PF sydrome of shooting down high fliers.
I sent money to a wrong number which i could not remember and eco cash doesnt tell you the number you have sent to.
Called customer care and the option for eco cash enquiries was not being answered. was in a workshop and would go out to call and come back without getting an answer. i ended up giving up maybe because it was $10 involved.
Econet should improve their customer care call handling service