Nhaka TV says it has invested US $3 million in new TV streaming service

In an earlier article, I wrote about the launch of Nhaka TV’s video streaming service and the problems I had understanding exactly what they are on to. I sent them some questions in an attempt to have everything simplified.

I didn’t quite succeed in the endeavor. The responses were evasive to say the least. Usually a sign a company is either not quite confident yet about their offering, that there are some inconvenient facts or, at best, that they have a game changer they’re keeping on lockdown until they do a big bang launch. My assessment is there’s no game changer here. I could be wrong of course.

That said, the company says it has invested $3 million in the venture. Ofcourse this is a paltry figure for anyone looking to create local content that will rival internet alternatives like Netflix, Showmax, Facebook, YouTube and the other options online.

Anyway here are their responses to our questions:

TZ: In brief please can you explain to me what this product is and does?

  • Afro-centric content that is grounded on African heritage. It is the essence of African identity.
  • It is a bridge between the past and the present defining our identity.
  • Through Nhaka television, we lead the conversation in African storytelling – in African film and television.
  • It is an offering that provides entertainment and informational platform.


What gaps is this product filling in the market?

  • Development of African equity.

Is Nhaka TV an Africom owned product?

  • It is not an Africom owned product.  Africom is just a key component chairing the advisory council of Nhaka TV.


How much content does Nhaka TV have currently in hours or production pieces?

  • Currently Nhaka is launching with 34 channels that are 24/7 and is in the process of continuously building its afro-centric content library.
  • We are excited by the interest we are receiving and the volume of content being submitted by African content creators from across the globe.


Is this product targeted at Zimbabwe or a wider geo?

It does not target only Zimbabwe.  It targets anyone.  By virtue of it being accessible over the internet, it addresses a global audience.


What are the timelines of launch. When and how can people start using Nhaka TV?

The launch of Nhaka TV has already started and on various platforms that utilize the strength of our diverse stakeholders. It is happening over a series of activities which are running for the next four months.  Look out for the Nhaka events which are forming the launch.


There is mention of Africom exposing ZBC to a wider audience. How is Africom doing this exactly? What is the link between Africom and ZBC?

It is Nhaka exposing ZBC to a wider audience and not Africom. The ZBC coverage has instantly increased at the touch of a button to anyone who has a smartphone and to anyone who has got internet access within their home.  The addressable market for ZBC now equates the number smart devices the world over, and the same goes for the advertisers’ reach. 


Regarding the ZBC relationship, what are the potential numbers making up the “wider”?

Look out for our next launch activity which will reach the market in the next few days. This will answer that question.


What key milestones are you looking to meet in the coming 6 months to a year?

Happiness, freedom, entertainment and grooming African pride.


If you are comfortable to disclose, please mention how much money has been invested in this project.

Over US$ 3 million has been invested into this project thus far, in combination with participating content producers who have at the same time become equity holders who will enjoy wealth creation at different levels.



7 responses

  1. Taps Avatar

    Africom and DeadBC on the same boat ride spells DISASTER….

  2. Macd Chip Avatar
    Macd Chip

    It smells Zanu Pf all over, doomed to fail from beginning!

    Africom(owned by zanu) + ZBC(owned by zanu) = FAILURE

  3. the Oathkeeper Avatar
    the Oathkeeper

    Chinhu chine zbc mukati handibate

  4. Samson Murambiwa Avatar
    Samson Murambiwa

    Loool haaaa ZBC irikutsvakei imomo, both ZBC and Africom are failed companies in their respective lines of business, ngavamboita zvavo, hatibatike ikoko

  5. Toga Avatar

    Don’t be unfair – inga ZBC iripo wani paDSTV

  6. Toga Avatar

    Don’t be unfair – inga ZBC iripo wani paDSTV

  7. Pedzisai Matipano Avatar
    Pedzisai Matipano

    Hopefully it takes offf we miss real african productions, there are quite some gems even by dead bc standards. Anything other than nollywood in the diaspora would do.

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