Here are some pictures from Econet’s Product Expo open to the public right now

Econet is holding an Expo open to the public at Meikles Hotel in Harare today with the event is set to run until 18:00 (6pm). If you are around the Meikles area you can pop in and have a chance to meet and greet some of the Econet execs and staff as well as have any pressing questions answered.

The expo is showcasing all of Econet’s products currently on the market as well as a ZTE, Huawei and Samsung stand with all their latest devices.

Here are some of the pictures we took from the event:



  1. Gary

    Galaxy S4 Speedtest via ookla. Econet H+ . Server Telone. Redcliff dd 11.12.16 Time. 10.29am. DL.4.09 UP.1.71 Ping.62

    1. Gary

      Should read 11.11.16

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