
WordCamp Harare is on 10 December. Tickets now available!

WordCamp Zimbabwe is an event that a lot of WordPress enthusiasts and users (like us here) have wanted for a while, so thanks to the team behind this effort, it’s finally happening.

The date is 10 December, price is $6 and the venue Harare City Library. More about that here.

If you’re wondering why WordPress is a big deal, just consider that the CMS (short for content management system) is the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, and it’s used on tens of millions of websites around the world; in fact it’s used on about 26% of the websites on the internet.

It has managed to do this because of its simplicity and a very healthy ecosystem which just helps it to grow even bigger.

So, we’re excited WordCamp is here. You will certainly meet us there so we can chat to no end about this brilliant platform; what we love about it, what our experiences have been, the pains, the good stuff and the ultimate bottom line issues for our business that make us love WordPress (well, the internet really but by extension) so much.

You can see the list of speakers here.