Ministry of Education’s online enrolment system for Form 1 places goes live – here’s how to use it

Nigel Gambanga Avatar
Online registration, eMAP, Ministry of Education, Form 1 enrolment

We recently wrote about the controversial online school enrolment system that Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Education developed as a way of automating the application process for securing boarding places for Form 1.

The system, which will gather details of applicants and match them to available schools based on three choices, is now live. The Ministry has started sharing details of the system and how to use it.

It can be accessed on

According to information on the use of the system which has been shared today (10 December 2016) parents and guardians who are applying for boarding school places (through the system) should apply over the next 3 days. They will receive feedback via SMS by Monday 12 December 2016.

Those who are applying for day school places must proceed to their local schools on Monday 12 December 2016 to register.

Also read

Ministry of Education advises people struggling with online enrolment to approach schools for assistance

Ministry of Education’s online enrolment system crashes – applicants in panic mode as deadline approaches (update)

Zimbabwe Teachers Association slams online enrolment system for disadvantaging offline students in rural areas

How to apply using the eMAP system

The first stage is creating an account

  1. Go to the website
  2. On the home page (the screen that the link takes you to) click on the link close to the bottom of the page that says If you do not have an account please Sign Up Here…
  3. In the respective fields enter the centre number, candidate number and date of birth using the details written on the pupil’s result slip.
  4. There is a section that says Please confirm if you have been cleared by your former school. Select Yes on that section.
  5. Click on the Next button
  6. On the next form, you will need to fill in the fields for your mobile number, email (it’s listed as an optional field), password of your choice, and confirm password.
  7. Select the Register option
  8. Click on the Sign In tab to get back to the page for signing in to your new account via the link provided

The second stage is for applying for a place

  1. Go to the home page
  2. In the respective fields Enter Centre number, Candidate number and Password
  3. Click on the Sign In button
  4. When you get to the following page choose Apply for Form 1 Place
  5. Click the Select Province tab and select the province for your first option
  6. Click on the Select District and pick a district for your option
  7. On the list of boarding schools in that district that appears you can then choose the school you want
  8. Click on Apply
  9. Follow the same steps for province, district and school for the two other schools you want

You can follow up on your applications by clicking on Check Status of Application.

Read More on:  Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education 

Read More on: Electronic Ministry Application Platform (EMAP) (includes contact numbers)

Also read: Here Are The Answers To Your eMAP Application Questions



  1. Mubereki

    Have applied successfully, but encountered challenges on Chrome, saying I have already applied for 3 places the moment I try to tick a school… switched to IE (not Edge) and proceeded fine. If it give error that you have applied for 3 places before you finish, log off and on again, and try until all three schools are done.

    1. Anonymous

      please state the time period for the enrollment than to just cut the network like that

      1. Anonymous

        this online registration is very frustrating. i applied and was accepted by certain school but cant afford the fees. i then tried to re apply the system is not allowing me to chose another school since the schools were not disclosing their fees when we made an efforts of physically visited

    2. Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    If I forget the password, how do I recover it?

    1. Anonymous

      Try making a new account

      1. munashe

        hie, failing to making a new account, it says i have already created one
        and yet i can not sign in because i forgot the passwords

      2. Cleophas Musara

        Is the online enrolment still active? Iam failing to accesses it. Please help?

        1. sandie

          yes it is do it now

        2. mai Ano

          can not register, its saying something went wrong, try again later

    2. Anonymous

      hachisi kushanda chinhu yacho iri kuramba even pafirst procedure

  3. ydm

    Been trying to register since 4pm but system seems to be congested or Dokora is at it again playing with our minds. Tipoo ma serious please. Looks like its a way of making money for corrupt officials.

    1. Anonymous

      there is an error,we cant connect to the web

      1. Vivian

        I can’t connect to the web, it is saying u are fobbiden

    2. Muzorewa

      This system is not working . Can this Dofora minister do something coz time is not on our side. I think he is a typical dofo

  4. gamuchirai

    Easy steps to follow. I like it

    1. Chingosho

      Gamuchirai tell us how you wrote tge date of birth coz it keeps on saying yu cud hv nade an error and i cant proceed

      1. Anonymous

        Just scroll upwards or downwards to match the date,month and year

    2. Desire

      hey help m hw u log in dats my # 0772 291 527

      1. sandie

        Desire kindly whatsaap me now now on 0027787155807 willing to help

    3. applicant

      mmmm Dokora is playin us

    4. Anonymous

      pli help me out. am stuck papage yetechim n don no waa to do next

  5. mai d

    i think the system is better than travelling to 3 different schools around the country just that school fees must be published so that pa choice of school uno chooser zvikoro zvauri kuona kuti unoafforder

    1. Anonymous

      Yes thats so true dia

  6. Emmanuel

    The system turns to fine, just waiting for a favourable responce

  7. Lukesoft

    index.php ?????

  8. Chawira S

    I have been online for the past 3hours trying to connect, but whoops I have failed. is this the process and procedure? old grannies who are guardians of these orphans who are in the middle of some rural areas do they have access and the required resources and skills to apply online?. who will protect the poor the vulnerable children?

    1. seth

      i do have all the access with me but i actually failed to get through the process ,i just dont understand mr dokoras ideology to bring such advanced technology from the third world comparing zimbabwe and britain .somethings need to be considered properly and provide full awareness to the people.this is a fatal blow to the less privileged group as well as the elite.look now the website is down what next?

      1. Baba B. ..

        I think Mr Dokora has a problem .We have to consider if everyone is suitable with the system Kwete Kungoti Tirikupedza corruption

        1. mkhize kaMavuvu

          As Zim are we really at a stage where we can use such a system?The majority of our pole either leave in rural areas,are computer illiterate, or can’t even afford charges associated with internet use.Boarding schools are now for the elite,.. how about that gifted child out there in Halisupi,Madlambuzi,Lupane etc…

    2. Ba D

      Then whats next to all those who failed to get through. How best can they be assisted……..

  9. Parent

    I have been trying to signup but the system keeps on telling me to capture properly the date of birth. Can someone advise the required format. I tried various formats.

    1. slow

      as per results slip

  10. YES

    If this was well publish and current school fees published, this is a simple and easy way unlike travelling to 3+ schools around the country.

  11. Parent Norton

    The date of birth on the result slip is’nt correct and i’m facing challenges in applyng . whn i put the correct date stil it isnt working

  12. Joez Head

    Been on the computer for the past 3 hours with no success. I think the system is congested and may those responsible do something. Time is not on our side

  13. j marks

    hapana chirikuita varume ndatambura

  14. Vb

    what is the format ye date of birth please help system rejecting

  15. i chingosho

    what is the correct fornat for date if birth?

  16. Anonymous

    Date of birth format is dd/mm/yyyy e.g 23/01/2004

  17. Fudzo

    Hapana chirikuita apa.

    1. Alex

      Advice…Dont use Opera Mini if Applying using a phone…it get you nowhere bt jst an error message…use Google Chrome

  18. Anonymous

    I have only selected two schools and the system is indicating that I have already chosen three schools and yet it is displaying only two. Therevis need to stress-test this system before rushing out to get the glory. Noble ideas such as this are frowned upon if such obvious errors are not detected.

  19. Anonymous

    I have only selected two schools and the system is indicating that I have already chosen three schools and yet it is displaying only two. There is need to stress-test this system before rushing out to get the glory. Noble ideas such as this are frowned upon if such obvious errors are not detected.

    1. Melo

      I also encountered that problem but kept trying and was successful.

  20. j marks

    have been trying to sign up since 6pm, without any success. i keep getting the message ‘candidature not found’. i am using the information as is written in the results slip. i need help please!!!!

    1. Mayeresa

      This is more taxing. Please allow us to do the old way. Imagine the whole night on net

  21. j marks

    “your details could not be found please ensure that you have put correct details”. thus all i am getting

  22. Anonymous

    I’ve filled in the correct details bt still keeping on asking for correct details or it says your account does not exist. Tipeiwo maserious.

    1. king P

      Did u sign up before signing in?

    2. nancy

      Am also tired of this system since Saturday it keeps on saying Web page not available eish this is disgusting.

  23. Gareth Nyenwa

    Ha nyc n easy bt zvoda chrome opera ikuramba

    1. king P

      My chrome failed. I think one needs latest version of browser

      1. Anonymous

        hapana chaita apaa

  24. munashe

    i forgot my password how can i retrieve it..please help!!!

  25. Tshuma

    I cant seem to get this to work i have tried and failed

  26. mai s

    How do i edit realise that i want to change my prefered list of schools

    1. silindile ncube

      i guess you should have added the de registration part because when you find you cannot afford the fees then you de register so as to re apply elsewhwere. right now i am failing to reapply because of failing to deregister the third school Milton

  27. mbirimi

    the system is not reliable and the effectiveness is compromised. still more not everybody has the access to internet, is there option B?

  28. parent

    finally have finished using chrome date format 04/17/2004

  29. parent

    finally have finished using chrome date format 04/17/2004

  30. Benjamin Furamera

    the system is not working guys what should we do please help its stating the information is incorrect

  31. Anonymous

    please help the system is not giving us enough information is keeping on saying incorrect since last night

  32. confused

    I clicked on a wrong do I delete the wrong choicel?

  33. Disgusted

    I have been trying to register since last evening without success. You put in the district and the system just freezes!!!

    1. Real Karoi Fellaz

      same here this service is so so fucked up

  34. gumbo godfrey

    I am using a smartphone to apply and its very challenging. I wanted Sandringham as my first choice and already the form is confirming I have applied to mutukwa which has no place either. now I successfully applied for gokomere and its successful. unfortunately I am no longer able to cancel mutukwa to choose another school. again the form is confirming I have applied for three schools yet only two schools gokomere and mutukwa are reflected. automatically it means my child will wait for gokomere and iam unable to select for other schools because of the system. how can u help coz I wanted Sandringham, Gokomere and Guinea fowl.

  35. parent

    i m trying to log in and the system is saying incorrect credentials. pliz help

  36. Anonymous

    plz help any one who succeeded on the date of birth

  37. Mai Sasha

    Hie how do i cancel or edit the selected school after applying

  38. Ras-Pincoe Intl

    How to cancel your choice of selection of the three schools if u had once applied

  39. Anonymous

    been trying to singUp but cant,

  40. Anonymous

    I can help you with your applications. email me at mqc

  41. Tatenda

    i have tried to sign up since yesterday bt havasi kuona madetails sometyms inoramba iciti confirm i m so stressed

  42. Anonymous

    guys i cant get thru to the web page please help before its too late

    1. unknown

      guyz help l cant login iri kuramba kasi yavharwa hanichazivi zvekuita pliz pliz help

  43. Paul

    this sucks it can’t handle the load

  44. Worried

    More was supposed to be done on this system trying since 7am no luck

  45. lovely sister

    chrome is e best but encounter some little challenge

  46. tawanda

    its this system function already or its not yet strted

  47. mbizo

    been trying since yesterday slept at 12am with no reprieve is anyone winning on this pple l cant win

  48. laws

    I think this is the best. Time and money saving. Zvangu zvaita

  49. mai jessie

    I cant log in im tired saka ndodii this is frustrating ,

  50. terry

    does this system send any message after u apply coz i cant see if my application has been processed

  51. Ndabatsira Sisi

    I had to do for my sister from abroad as she was losing money which is already scarce for her. She is trying to do the best for her kids with the least she has living on hand to mouth. The system is supposed to be less than a minute but it took me an hour to eventually complete the form. The format of date of birth is not as indicated. It wants the month first then date then year. Otherwise for those who have access to internet and who are computer literate it is a good idea. There should be a supporting system for those in very remote areas and elderly people. Surely Dokora is not expecting everyone in Zimbabwe to have access to such gadgets unless he is in his own world.

  52. lovemore

    we selected 3 schools and these ticks were in order of preference and did not tick them one by one.after ticking the 3 we then ticked the apply section but when we checked the status our third choice came out first and our first came out can you rectify this problem before the deadline.

  53. Real Karoi Fellaz

    Help Guys the system is down and not working. cld this be overload or smthing? Help

    1. Anonymous

      same problem here

  54. Robert Ndlovu

    The problem with most local coders is that they do not test run their apps before going live.

    1. MuvsTrixx inc

      so where does that takes us? What a System

    2. MuvsTrixx inc

      please musa shorese nyika muchidai? Kungo tester chete? zvato dhura?

  55. Rose

    Thank you the system really saves parents from moving from one place to another with these current cash shortages we have been save

    1. pamela

      how have u done? we having a challenge on stage 3 its not proceeding tu stage 4

  56. NDINI

    geeez I cant connect to the webpage racho wani nhai amana 🙁

  57. Yes

    After a struggle i have successful applied, i applied in 2 schools and it said i have reached the maximum, i logged-out and started afresh and i was successful, now am waiting for the reply tomorrow 12 December Monday.

    1. Previous Muhwati

      how did you manage

  58. Anonymous

    guys help me.l typed the province and district but maboarding school acho haasi kushower wani

  59. parent

    its is to appy but does this schools rilly respond very fast.

  60. S.Rusike

    i have been trying for the last 2hours in south Africa it says the site is site is out of reach . The system is difficult to use. can they perfect it before they can implement it.

    1. MuvsTrixx inc

      sure this fucking sucks. ive been here for the past 4hrs

  61. Anonymous

    haaaa, this site is bull shit its not loging in

  62. mdara

    i have been tying this since yesterday and its keep on saying this site cannot be reached pliz help

  63. Anonymous


  64. Wilson

    I have successgully applied but the challenge is the day schoolars are going to register tomorrow whilst I am waiting for a response that might not be favourable and this might result in my child missing school since these day schools will be full by midday. Is the ministry going to accommodate all those that have applied. if someone who failed Grade seven is awarded St Ignatius what is going to happen because the system is not asking for the results. Who is responsible for choosing the schools for our children , is the Headmaster involved or what

    1. MuvsTrixx inc

      i guess the schools can access the results by using the candidate numbers and center number

  65. anonymous

    Please help I have been trying to apply sjnce 9am first it date of birth second its continually timing out now its I am not permitted to access this website and some server configurations

  66. parent

    form racho harichabude wani nhai hama .im stak now .help pz

  67. Worried2

    It seems the system crashed around 13 hrs 11/dec/16

  68. faffy

    hey wats happening with the site cant get thru and time is running out can someone fix this.


    I now have a password but on the second stage to put in centre no/ and candidate no/ and signin is not opening so what now pls honourable MINISTER, I keep on clicking but not opening. pls makesure this link available for a while

  70. Anonymous

    It seams website is experiencing some challenges. I suggest we meanwhile revert to the old skull. Since it’s the first time around, there is hope for improvement.


    You don’t have permission to access /Form1Enrol/index.php on this server.

    Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) Server at Port 80

  71. Anonymous

    I have been trying since 12 to no avail.

  72. Anonymous

    I have been trying since 1230 and I am getting the message below:

    You don’t have permission to access /Form1Enrol/candidature.php on this server.
    Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) Server at Port 80

    Cde minister, on the way forward

  73. qwerty

    whats going on what do we do/ pliz help

  74. parent

    i think the site has crashed coz its not opening

  75. parent

    oooops its now saying you 403 you are forbidden but i havent finished what do i do

  76. Anonymous

    Amazing stuff. Who ever provided this solution didnt think things through. How do you launch a production server to handle more than 350,000 applications on a wampserver on a windows PC.

  77. Anonymous

    the idea was good bt the application is not working well nxaa gyz zvikumara izvi

  78. qwerty12

    guys pliz help irikundiudza kuti 403 forbidden

  79. qwerty12292829

    guys pliz help irikundiudza kuti 403 forbidden what should i do

  80. zvadhakwa manje

    i dont think there will be any progress on this way the system seems lyk its crushed

  81. raycutt

    the website is totally down a of now

  82. Gulabs

    Guys, this new system of form one enrolment is giving parents a hail of problems. Dokora should find another plan B which works for all of us. We have spent the whole day in town for a system which is rejecting us. How can a personal with normal senses introduce a system without proper infrastructure. We are being blocked from opening the emap. What do we do next nhai vaDokora. Is Dokora really sure that schools are corrupt in relation to form one enrolment? This is not true. Corruption irikutoitwa kumusoro ikoko zvichitanga naiye. What is he tryng to achieve here, wasting our time for nothing. nxaaaaaa

    1. Anonymous

      the idea was very noble but its execution. eish.

  83. Admire

    When i select province, the system stops and there is no district option coming

  84. Masimba Mupangayi

    Initially the proposed date of enrolling online was 16 December 2016 and just yesterday a message on whats app went round that applications were to be done on 10 -11 December 2016 and replies from schools on 12 December 2016. Please what is going on here, is someone playing with us here? On trying to access the emap web page, hey, the process can’t complete. I slept at 0230hrs till my phone battery went dead and there was no zesa. Today I tried again but the web page is now forbidden, so what’s this manje? Can someone please from Ministry of Education clarify things here. We are even more confused given that in the first place the proposed date was 16 December, now this!

  85. Parent

    anyone who has managed to access the application form so far ?


    i also cant access the website .. it seems the system is down , any one succeeding?

  87. unonymous

    This system is frustrating I tell you.Ihve been trying since 9am uoto nw 2pm.Forbidden is all I get.What do we do.

  88. maromo

    from 08:30 I have been trying to create my account but could go through this stage. now its 14:00hrs and its telling I am forbidden to access this web page. C an those in charge please explain The time you are claiming to be serving is being wasted on the machine Technology does not behave like this Guys we are still miles behind Development

  89. Anonymous

    We have been trying to login and the system is saying you are fobbidetn from the page what should l do

  90. Anonymous

    I applied using a smart phone but the problem is i cant access where,ican select schools which i want to choose sorry your form.end where i wrote province only please rectify network system

    1. Anonymous

      I am confused .there is serious network problem help before sunset

  91. Dhimba

    Kindly assist on the way forwad regarding this system.

    1. Jj

      A friend managed to apply but got two out of three choices wrong! What can I do as I can’t seem to be able to delete application. I tried to create another account but system won’t let me as “someone with the same details has already registered”
      Whats the way foward? Help!

  92. Parent

    Cant access saying forbidden 403

  93. Rence

    guys what could be the problem, web site is active, its giving an error like this forbidden.

  94. Anonymous

    Can someone from the Ministry attend to these problems, please

  95. parent

    the system is down l dont know what to do, so if we fail to apply today what will l do

  96. Anonymous

    this system has totally failed us, Forbidden and you don’t have permission to access this server is all am getting

  97. lisa

    guys so does it mean we ain’t going to do the application process since the system is sayin 403 forbidden????????

    1. Anonymous

      Sadly yes @lisa. Until the website developer sorts this out the website will not be accessible.

      1. Anonymous

        eishh too bad

  98. mutambirwa

    Haaa am failing pliz

  99. parent

    cant access the link

    You don’t have permission to access / on this server.
    Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) Server at Port 80



  101. fortue

    cant access its continuously saying forbidden 403 wats the matter

  102. harare

    system yacrusher i think because of the pressure davakaisa enough time like a week or zvatanga 2017 for 2018. This year nothing else to do wotogarira kutsva a place for

    form 1 yakosheyi.

  103. chtwn

    This system does nt work at al,i think it was timed bt hw come they did not inform us,initially it was 16 and suddenly th dates changed to 11 nd 12,i think somebody somewhere s nt doing his work r pane variktoda zvavo ktodya mari dzevanhu

  104. Stanford

    I am failing to connect To the Web Server since yesterday 10/12/2016

  105. Lewin Muzvonda

    How are you?The website is saying


    You don’t have permission to access / on this server.

    Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) Server at Port 80”

    I can’t access it

  106. harare

    so if you are not on whats up mwana atosara here enrolment Mr Dokoro it seem ndoyatove means of communication paRadio pataiziva… kana uri kwaTsambe wodiiyiko ….and you say helping the marginalised… i do think so

  107. TK

    The web page is not accessible. I have tried explorer and chrome and im failing to access it.

  108. tpious

    be serious man

  109. Moja

    Simple steps to follow. Jus make sure u use the simple browsers coz they will load all the pages. Did it on my smart fon. Use the browser app and u wil have no problem. Welcome to the 21st century where everything goes electronic

  110. Web Developer & Databases Manager

    This is a technical problem.Not your fault.Its not about timing.
    Most probably its the hosting which its restricting access either because the web manager has intentionally laid down the system for development purposes (though it should say “website under development in that case”) or whoever is responsible for the website hosting services payments didnt pay the company.

  111. zvaramba

    hazvishane zvinhu zvenyu makadyirwa mari nevanhu vechisystem chenyu ichi ngwarai please vaDOKORA

    1. Consultant

      ZACC ngaipindire

  112. Simba Chihera

    I cant Access the website

  113. Anonymous

    guyz which account must be created here

  114. Simba Masimba

    Why does it look like we are being punished, the sysem is not working and l wonder Dokora do rely care.

  115. dickson

    cant get through since 1100am 11/12/16

  116. dickson

    cant get through since 1100 11/12/16

  117. Anonymous

    i have been trying to sign up the account but nothing is taking place

  118. unknown

    guyz pliz help l cant connect to the wedsite

  119. chosa


  120. Anonymous

    Have been online since 12am this isn’t working. It’s just a mess!!!!!

  121. anonymas

    Is this really working

  122. charmy

    l HV been successful in applying or so l think for all three schools …but l HV checked my application status and it says “pending”is DAT how it is supposed to be ? wat does the pending intell DAT l am now waiting for an answer from the schools or was there an error in my application

  123. Concerned Parent

    anyone logged in to the website

  124. mbazangi

    Hazvisikuita izvi

  125. Mazwi

    Administrator allow us to edit our choices please.

  126. Anonymous

    zvirikunetsa hakuna imwe option hr?

  127. Consultant

    Server not designed to handle such traffic. Tomorrow might even be worse.

  128. mother

    Guys since morning l have been trying to apply BT the site is not opening

  129. Anonymous

    stil cant get through

  130. Worried Mum

    l now have a headache l have been glaring on my cellphone since morning l cant get through. l am tired now

    1. Mai kuu

      The day is over and i stll havent got through please help!

    2. Mai kuu

      The day is over and i stll havent got through please help!

  131. tindo

    hey guys is there anyone who has managed to register after reaching where it said forbidden help i am stuck and if anyone also knows what a cached copy is i’m literally confused

  132. cimford

    sick website

  133. Magondo

    Bond website

  134. mai

    this doesnt work stuck at confirm candidature

  135. Mutareparent

    Im in mutare… since yesterday couldnt get thru…. plz make a convinient way of registering.. didnt sleep to no avail… by 8 am was at an internet cafe it was packed but no1 managed to register….cant we come and apply at ministry of education offices?? Help us plz this is not working… thank you…

    1. MuvsTrixx inc

      same old Crap in karoi i was online since 9 am to no avail. what a crappy system

  136. tindo

    where are the administrators nhai no one to supervise the process how can you expect mugrade seven wese in zimbabwe to register in a space of two days system inoto crasher zve..worse comunication hapana truth is maserver edu muzimbabwe haasat akuzvikwanisa izvozvo. ngavatigadzirire system yavo since morning tichingozama we are tired

  137. susan

    stakeholders involvement shld have solved difficuties we are facing not from top to bottom approach

  138. parent

    the system is timing out

  139. The Doc

    Lets just stick to what we know best. this site isnt working at all.

  140. Ndatsamwa

    Ndashaya shumo yazvo ini… aaah haaya , not even mobolised kuchichashanda sei, not even a option to change , not even known kuti netwrk yacho how good is it, saka vana sekuru nanambuya vanorera nherera vanozvigona here izvi, ?, ko handiti chinotanga its infrastructer, kwete kungomuka wakarumira mugear sebhazi rashushine , kwati ndizvo zviripo, ko dai makataura a month before and the u see how parents like it, or u shld have mobilesed first !!

  141. @mafotita

    iye dokora ndiye akanyora code iyi hanty? cos iri kukundikaba kunge proposal yemauniform kumateacher.

  142. Frustrated

    this is merely torture in our democratic country,how can one take 4 to 6 hours just to register three schools and one cannot even make corrections to whatever mistake made,The system is not friendly at all as it keeps you stuck with no success.Will the developer do something about the system

  143. sir


  144. Chipo

    zvinhu zvavo zviri kutinetsa izvi since morng hazvisi kuvhura ndaneta ini apa mazvigonawo sei

  145. paRENT

    zuva zvaratodoka nhai saka zvoreva kuti tatoshaya nzvimbo here

  146. PARENT

    Waiting for way forward

  147. tm

    The website can not be accessed. Hazviiti izvi zvakanonoka, lets try this next year. Applications should be done before results are out

  148. lovemore.

    looks like the system has crushed. whats the way forward now?

  149. Neniwo Ndagwadziwa

    Technology is good but the timing was very wrong. Parents should have supplied three schools of their choice upon completion of the grade 7 exams and have them posted to Zimsec. Upon release of examination results Zimsec was supposed to publish schools and names of people with places for form one at those schools. In terms of internet Zimbabwe we are still far behind. Feel for our rural folks and very old guardians. ChiSystem charwadza vanhu ichi.

  150. Meck

    i am confused now ,deadline is tomorrow yet i could not make an progress on applying because of the system which keeps freezing on one stage.can someone help me what next.

  151. tatendamusekiwa


  152. CPMK

    This is progress, intentions very good/noble. lets support the ministry, it had become a nightmare to get a form one place year in year out (as we speak some schools that had become used to this corrupt practice vakatodya mari dzevanhu despite ministry’s directive e.g Regina Mundi Gweru, Howard kuChiweshe among others. We are with u Minister. let’s be patient and work with e ministry to improve e system. remember schools only open in january. Viva Minister, Zvasiyana (hamulume this year)!

    1. MuvsTrixx inc

      dude i cnt see hw this cld posibly be noble? have u tried the system or read the comments? Aghhhh come on bro this is total havoc

  153. tatenda


  154. slow

    Forget Chrome, its not patient enough for this nonsense, use Firefox

    1. Mom

      thank you that really helped, was soooo frustrated

  155. Determined

    Zvazviri kunzi system inenge yacrasher … Does it means vaya vanzi successful and pending maapplications avaita abva afira mumhepo so vototangidza zvakare. Worried

  156. Bond notes

    imagine trying the whole day without success

  157. wooried cistsa

    still on pending stage whats next
    does it mean that we have been accepted

  158. Anonymous

    it’s a cool application very useful

  159. Mom

    this was not a bad idea, but l think they used a poor syste. i suspect it has crushed cant open page

  160. arthur munyoro

    been trying this online thing since friday but i cant access through, be serious im at ministry of education dont try things tyhat will disadvantage our children

  161. Taps

    when i try to log in into my account, its telling me that account does not exist

  162. Parent

    I think the system/server is failing to handle the number of requests it is getting.I couldn’t apply for my child.Is there an alternative way?

  163. Anonymous

    Ths new development is not working@all….

  164. Academy Report

    Starting next year (2017) we have made life easy for parents. Schools can start using our Integrated School Mgt System, applying for a school place will be super easy from ECD to Form 6. Manage all your children educational records from a Single Sign-On and apply as many schools as you want as long as they are registered with us. Check us out

  165. Shoniwa

    Ahhhh anz parents must go to the school of their choice mangwana., t true?

  166. margaret

    how do i cancel a registration

  167. takawira tobias

    plz help i have failed to complete the application .

    1. Anonymous

      keep trying, i finally succeeded to register after 10 hours of trying, then it took me another 14 hours of attempting to apply to do so, hope fully it registered because when i try to check m informed have not made any application

  168. anonymous mother

    tipeiwo option to edit pliz if u make mistake

  169. anonymous mother

    unevana 2 u are unable to open 2 windows to do 2 separate applications otherwise it switches infor or in other words it mixes up infor between the applicants pliz rectify the system.
    eish its a painfull process been trying since 3AM up to now eish ma1 i think we shud have been given moretime

  170. Mr lonely

    whoever programmed this system is a failure,,,this system is bushit!!!!!

  171. Anonymous

    I am failing to access the websiteli

  172. Mazwi

    website up and running now, but still no option to edit. Help pliz.

  173. parent

    Managed to register at last after more than 10 error messages from 2pm to 1am.

  174. Troubled mother

    please help.l have twins and one has been successfully registered but the other one is saying ” Provided details are already in use, please ensure the information you entered is correct…” have tried changing all information bt zvikuramba. 0775010912. please help me

  175. parent

    managed to register bt its still on pending ## worried##

    1. concerned parent

      still pending? how long did u/have u been waitting

  176. worried

    I cant access it and it is saying PROVIDED DETAILS ARE ALREADY IN USE but i cant sign in, neither does it allow me to open new account nor edit details. Now dont know wat to do. Had bn awake almost the whole night tryinv the thing. HELP PLIZ

    1. edward

      neniwo saka wadii same problem eish

  177. worried

    This system is not user friendlyto say the least. I spent a total of 9 hours trying to apply invain untill I engaged an IT technician who was schooled in the UK to assist. The only answer he gave me after trying to access the website half a minute was ‘wrong website development and design’. Too bad for our country.

  178. M Nyamadzavo

    since Saturday up to today l cant, what do l do now. its either its saying Cant reach this page or its forbidden.

  179. trinity

    The website seems to be down and not functioning

  180. Mamoyo

    Can’t get thru since morning. Eish help pliz

  181. Webcrawler

    Wrong website development and design, yall giving each other jobs instead of hiring the rightful candidate

  182. sandie

    For thoz facing problems due to net kindly email me / 0027787155807 whatsapp i can help you from this side .

  183. chitura

    i have been trying with different networks but the system is down

  184. unknown

    aiwa zvinotemesa musoro……

  185. patience

    close down that automating system,its pathetic to use especially old age.are you insane you can’t enrole 24 thousand boarding student at this period of time,of your deadline.and how many of us are using social networks activity.isu vamwe hatina ma cellphone kana laptops.tino ita sign sei?answer us pliz minister

  186. chiyangwa phillip

    yes yes

  187. Anonymous

    The site is not accessible

  188. Shon

    Has anyone received an sms for the placement?

    1. Zim ma1

      This system think is not right received a reply on my third choice so does that mean that i wont b able to b considered on my first choice since the head is saying they are still clueless as to what to do

      1. tindo

        did you receive a text message. which school is that

  189. blessed kaniwa

    this site is not accessible help pliz

  190. anonymous

    Worst website ever. Shame on you Dokora

  191. Hadzisa T

    how do schools access candidates selected for their centres?

    1. Anonymous

      Through Head section

  192. marchayi

    since morning i have been on internet. no luck. is the program being extended. ndatambura ini. ndigodii nemwana

  193. Deee

    Guys this dokora thing eish maone akuna website yakadai

  194. Anonymous

    Haiwawo hapana zvoita apa

  195. waboom

    vamwe tichaita problem yes fees tawana kuma schools anodura tichifunga kuti arinani. this system was suppose to show fees structure and option to cancel and is not showing all schools

  196. dirango2016

    are they any high school heads to tell us when iz e deadline and when are they replying us and how they are selecting students

  197. dirango2016

    iz the website still on ve be on net for 9hrs bt nothing

    1. sharon

      guys unozivasei kuti zvaita

  198. edward

    hani provided details already in use am stuck pa stage 4 pli help

  199. empo

    cant thru since morning, this site is not responding

  200. empo

    cant get thru since morning, the site is not responding

  201. Anonymous

    Those applied pane vawanawo respinse from the school heads here? takangimirira

  202. dako ra

    vakuru vanonakirwa nekutambisa time yedu sure

  203. muzvari

    whilst it is good to embrace new technology, I don’t think this emap has been introduced at the right. This thing is harassing us. I have been trying it since morning but hapana chabuda. ndiyo inonzi harassment iyi kana revi chaiyo kuvabereki.

  204. lindagadza


  205. wejena

    This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
    Checking the connection
    Checking the proxy and the firewall

  206. lindagadza

    im only seeing the nformation now.Schools had said we should come on20/12/2016.How then can i be assisted? SOS???????????????

  207. wejena

    This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
    Checking the connection
    Checking the proxy and the firewall

    beeen getting this response for ages since 0700hrs .noble idea but eishhhh

  208. lindagadza

    im only seeing the Information now.Schools had said we should come on20/12/2016.How then can i be assisted? SOS???????????????

  209. Lewin Muzvonda

    Technology Is good but requires experts before execution.

  210. lindagadza

    Ko district yacho unoiwana kunani?????????????????????????

  211. wejena

    Hmm, we can’t reach this page.
    Try this
    Make sure you’ve got the right web address:
    Refresh the page
    Search for what you want

  212. wejena

    Hmm, we can’t reach this page.
    Try this
    Make sure you’ve got the right web address:
    Refresh the page
    Search for what you want eeeeeeish

  213. Anonymous

    hoping all will be k coz this wil kill corruption and to cut travelling expenses. one needs to be very patient with the system, I think its congested but functional

    1. wejena

      its nikuved

  214. wejena

    CDE DOKORA keep your boarding place I have given up.
    This page can’t be displayed

    •Make sure the web address is correct.
    •Look for the page with your search engine.
    •Refresh the page in a few minutes.

  215. duetless

    this will definitely kill corruption and cuts travelling expenses. one needs to be very patient with the system, I think its congested but functional

  216. mai kiki

    to those who successfully applied is there anyone apindurwa yet?????? sms or email??

  217. Anonymous

    THIS SYSTEM IS MORE DOWN THAN UP, after finally registering Sunday at 2042 the whole day till mid-morning Monday i was being informed that the account does not exist, it doe not allow me to use my email for my other child so how does a parent register twins.
    Rechecking now it informs me that i have not made any application for the first child.
    This thing is going to give a few parents stress or High blood pressure

    THEN ONE QUESTION ACCORDING TO YESTERDAYS SUNDAY MAIL the honorable minister informed the nation that registration will start on the 16th, oooooh how honorable is that

  218. Frustrated parent

    What kind of a system wld take you 9 hours to make an application!!!! The experience is so traumatising. Now that i have successfully applied, God knows how long it will take to get a response, if ever it comes.

    @ wejena-try using Firefox

  219. MuvsTrixx inc

    finally after 2 days of Supper struggling. Wheeeeeeeewww. ah what a system

  220. parent

    is the system working now?

  221. A.Nkomo

    guyz any result for places for those who applied

  222. Anonymous

    check application status…what other responses that the system give besides pending!

  223. John

    I am failing to open this link then it gives me this errors
    Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user ‘SYSTEM’@’localhost’ (using password: NO) in C:\wamp\www\Form1Enrol\includes\dbconnect.php on line 11
    help please

  224. michael

    help me please zvirikunditambira this is day 2 now help me please

  225. Bigboy

    This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
    Checking the connection
    Checking the proxy and the firewall
    Have been trying with no success…wonder this is genuine????.

  226. Anonymous

    I am failing to check application status. I have been waiting for SMS all day but nothing came through.

  227. Angry parent

    Can the responsible authorities clear this mess , we applied using the emap platform but nothing is materialising.This is now a national crisis and we expect the government to address the issue and tell us the way forward on ZTV or internet but no one seems to care. Mr. Dokora should address us but his response isn’t available.The school heads are puzzled now. Someone need to be serious somewhere.

  228. Angry parent

    Can the responsible authorities clear this mess , we applied using the emap platform but nothing is materialising.This is now a national crisis and we expect the government to address the issue and tell us the way forward on ZTV or internet but no one seems to care. Mr. Dokora should address us but his response isn’t available.The school heads are puzzled now. Someone need to be serious somewhere.

  229. Anonymous

    Is there anyone who has received the message

  230. Oyako

    how about external students do we just enter candidate number yeku SA

    1. Nigel Gambanga

      We haven’t been able to get clarification from the Ministry on that aspect as well as other issues related to applications from students outside Zimbabwe.

  231. Ovvy

    what to do when you forget password

    1. Disappointed Parent

      I think it is high time we call a spade a spade. Now that we have tried to enroll through this system with difficulties and the responsible officials are mum about it, time is not on our side as parents and pressure mounting heavily on our shoulders, can’t we condem it and approach the district offices for further management.

  232. Tariro

    What was the deadline? Because I went to apply on this emap website an hour ago and it was successful, now I am just waiting for a favourable outcome.
    Did anyone received any outcome that is not ‘status pending?

  233. Gondo

    Any success guys, or toenda kuma schools tomorrow

  234. Madhawu

    please help me it now day three trying to sign up but the system says “your details could not be found please ensure the information you entered is correct. I dont know what to do now but I just think that my childs former school might not exist inthe system since it was a private school. we dont even know where we can get help

  235. Anonymous

    Someone was given a reply today from Kriste Mambo

  236. worried parent

    mukuti mukubvisa corruption bt mukutoiwedzera coz kutaura kudai zvimwe zvikoro zvatozadza vana and havachatodi kutora ,,,, and zvakare muchapindura vanhu rini ,,,,, PLZ DNT COMPARE ZIMBABWE WITH WESTERN COUNTRIES muchiita zvamusingagoni coz mukutipa zvikoro zvatisingadi at the end thoz that are privileged ndovachawana nzvimbo ofwc its unfair ……. plz cde dokora drop your idea coz its of no use coz haisi kuita mukutidyira mari…..# MAINTERNET CAFE AITA MARII ,,, apa muchiti mukupedza corruption . useless idea

  237. worried parent


  238. parent

    Ko zvinoreva kuti mwana awana nzvimbo ndezvipi apa
    Processed kana kuti accepted


      accepted awana nzvimbo to that school.processed mean have been automatically deleted to the other options by the system.If ur first school priority do not see ur child first then thats it. System yacho ikuti kuzvikoro atanga tanga, anononoka kuona mwana waruza

  239. Mubereki

    Guys when the system says processed what does this mean.

  240. Mubereki

    What do I do if I forget my password

  241. Dead Worried

    Applied yesterday 13/12/16 in the morning but still pending. Dead Worried!! what if you are not accepted in the applied for schools? what,s next?

  242. Dead Worried

    Chokwadi we don’t know next move!!

  243. wejena

    The speed at which the e-map was responding uuum nzvimbo dzatozara chete,all smooth sailing from first to last step

    1. PARENT


  244. Parent

    Does anyone know the difference between “accepted and processed”.

    1. Place seeker

      Accepted / Processed what’s the difference please assist


    Applied successfully on monday evening and my child was accepted first by her 3rd choice school .I latter made follow ups and discovered that her first choice had started recruiting a bit latter due to network problems.On my attempt to reject the offer l received the shock of my life that there is no way that can be reversed even when l have not made payments to that school yet her first choice still have vacancies.Really is this true.Can my child be forced to enroll with her 3rd choice yet she still qualifies to her first priority and the school still have places.MR DOKORA ANSWER US. YOUR PEOPLE ANSWERING THIS LANDLINE 04794508 AND 04705281 are lying to me and depriving my child of his rights to enroll where she wants, given that plentiful places are still available.


    THIS IS A VERY SAD SITUATION TO ME, I NEED ANSWERS MINISTER.Really can l watch and see my child with 4 units enroll with their third choice school when their first choice still have plentiful vacancies.Can this really happen.

  247. Anonymous

    hapana kupedza corruption apa, selection is still in the good hands of the same old people . l submitted my child results before applying online and got registered at two specific schools. Guess what …when l went ahead to apply online for those two specific schools the system said l had already applied? what! who did it for me? Obvious the people who had records of my child.And l am not the only one who got that message. And it’s not surprising that l dint get a response or place for my child.The minister said these schools should serve their catchment area but it’s never going to be like that anyway. They applied for their own selected their own and used our kids to cover up Cde Minister as soon as the system was active!


    System has led down parents and successful candidates to the worst.Its operating on watanga watanga on the schools side, some parents have been refused to reject placement offers they got from schools of their 3rd choices to their 1st choice even when the 1st choice is still recruitng, have plentiful places and the child highly qualifying.

  249. Imbayarwo

    from the 12/12/16 until now have been trying bt i have managed to get thru now ,my main worry is time and vaccancy from the desired schools may be full. Please help because we are worried

  250. dirango2016

    how do i reset my account pliz help
    0773724851 app me pliz

  251. dirango2016

    have tred still sunday could not get thru to now not yet thru pliz help

  252. mr wat wat for wat

    this ideology is confused…if l was to get an opportunity to argue Mr Dokora in court l would win the case and I this online thing will be cancelled won’t’ work…it won’ work…

  253. jchuiwara

    Its working well i have just did it here.

  254. Anonymous

    hey iamchecking the status and still iri papending ma1 chaiwo veduwe

  255. chivuro patrick

    will you please deregister me, so that I may start again. I had send someone to apply but he failed to apply the schools I had told him. please help

  256. gg

    I forgot the password ndodii

  257. me

    This thing is frustrating whats the correct format for the date I have been at it for almost two hours it keeps saying details not found… please assist

  258. mai ntombi

    Stressed 2 days now no reply

  259. Anonymous

    status still pending but you can
    apply for six schools now but guess it’s too late now nzvimbo hakusisina but status remains pending its nonsense and real shit

  260. mamoe

    This system is damn frustrating, t was quite easy for m to register only to b accepted at a school that was last on my list. How do I change from the school to the one I want?

    1. Parent 1

      I’m getting the following responses :
      1st school – processed
      2nd school – accepted
      3rd school – accepted
      Then how do I respond?

  261. Anonymous

    can we kindly get the opportunity to apply to as many schools as possible…l am not getting any response from any school l have applied for since the 10th…still pending!

  262. Parent 1


  263. CPMK

    Well done Minister, please do not end here. After the dust has settled please do an audit of how the enrollment was done, some headmasters/sisters completely disregarded your directive (insubordination) parents got receipts/admissions/paid well before your due date and later tried to cover up by asking the same parents to later apply or applied themselves coz vakadya kare. Among the culprits is Regina Mundi Gweru, Anderson Gweru, Howard Mission Chiweshe, Vaitei kuti vasazvipamhezve/vamwe vabva vadzidza, i would not hurt to investigate………………….tokudai Minister!

  264. Anonymous

    every school did that ….l am stuck with my child now haana nzvimbo we obeyed the new system yet the usual suspects did play the same old games/tricks and we left in the cold…after the settling of the so called dust l will still be stuck with my child…so whatever steps he takes next it will not change my situation or my child . it’s never wise to introduce some shit which cannot change what was happening before.

  265. concerned parent

    hi guys …ive succesfully applied….approximately how ong does it take for you to get a reply(that u have \havent got the place)

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