Obama announces United States sanctions on Russia for cyberattacks that interfered with its elections

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image credit – bostonglobe.com

The United States has announced expanded sanctions on Russia for its interference in its 2016 presidential elections through cyberattacks that leaked emails from the Democratic party.

According to the New York Times, the sanctions will include the expulsion of 35 suspected Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services.

American intelligence agencies concluded that the G.R.U. a powerful Russian military intelligence unit ordered cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political organisations after it had received the go-ahead from the Russian administration, the Kremlin. The attacks gathered emails that were published to the benefit of winning candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

Russia has denied any involvement in the cyberattacks and the Kremlin has already slammed the sanctions accusing the Obama administration of attempting to destroy diplomatic relations and to disrupt the foreign policy plans being set in place by President-Elect Donald Trump.

With cyberattacks playing a central role in the disruption of diplomatic relations and foreign affairs outcomes the case between the USA and Russia will likely highlight the need for increased investment in cybersecurity from all other governments around the world.


  1. Jack

    Ha ha ha, Trump will remove them all in three weeks time. Putin will be sleeping in the White House and holidaying at Camp David. He will visit the set of Game of Thrones and meet the cast. On January 20 Obama will be told, “You’re fired!!!!”. Now waiting for the reality show,”The POTUS”.

    1. The TRUMPUS

      If the FBI’s findings are credible, this could be Trumps first real crisis. Sweep everything under the rug and look like Putins lapdog or carry through the policy and endanger all the Russian good will he’s made. Fun times!

  2. Peter Raeth

    Obama is a lame duck looking for someone to blame because Americans voted against socialism and the creation of warring factions. We also stated clearly that we did not want a criminal and her skirt-chaser husband in the white house. Plus, we were tired of seeing our allies thrown under the bus in an attempt to channel Chamberlain as Obama tried to make nice with bullies. Once Trump is in office (20 Jan 17), Obama’s silliness with Russia over this issue will pass.

    1. Peter Raeth

      Something else that the American people are tired of is Obama’s attempt to set up a dictatorship to replace the will of the people.

      Trump is not stupid, and he is no coward. He has never said to Putin, “After the election I will have more flexibility”, as did Obama in his attempt to accommodate Putin..