Social Media now a prefered crowdfunding platform

Social media is fast becoming a place for anyone to push what they have to the world and varies from “10 000 likes for beating cancer” to crowd funding for charitable initiatives which Mr Rabison Shumba has been busy with lately.

This motivational speaker is heavy on social media with his recent initiative under the theme Touching Lives raising funds from crowd funding for sanitary pads for underprivileged women in Zimbabwe.

Earlier this year he undertook an excursion where he visited 3 homes in a day that is Jairos Jiri children’s home, St Joseph’s home for boys and Matthew Rusike children’s home donating groceries and giving motivational speeches.


Social media has been seen as a playground but is now fast becoming a serious tool for marketing products and services which can be seen from Facebook and Instagram creating business versions of their social media platforms. Do you think there is any value in advertising and selling on social media? We would love to know what you think.


One response

  1. Shark Avatar

    Ummm, this is a bad article.

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