WhatsApp helps you save data, time and space on your phone by watching videos without downloading them


Weeks after releasing WhatsApp Video calling, WhatsApp has started testing a cool new feature that will help its users save data, time and space on their phones by allowing you to watch/stream the video before downloading it giving you the option to choose whether it is worth your time.

How Does it Work?

The feature is currently available on Whatsapp latest beta (testing) version which can be downloaded and installed via an apk. The feature is available for WhatsApp beta version 2.16.365 for users on Android.

Once installed you should configure your WhatsApp to not allow automatic download of media whether on wifi or mobile data, once this is set up the new video streaming feature will kick in.

WhatsApp has replaced the download button with a play button so when someone sends you a video you can press play, watch it for a few seconds, then decide whether it’s worth your time to download the whole video, the feature is very similar to how you watch videos on Youtube.

Data Saver

This new feature will help a lot of users save data as it allows users to watch a portion of a video instead of the full video, another cool feature is that whilst streaming the video there is a data status bar at the bottom showing you how much you have consumed whilst streaming it.

Time Saver

We have all been victims of silly videos that sometimes waste valuable data, or finding videos in our gallery we had no knowledge of sent through various group chats (some highly offensive). This new feature puts an end to all of that as it allows you to choose to have what you want and what you spend your time consuming.

Space Saver

Since the new feature allows you to download content you actually want to have to keep it saves space on your device. You could just stream the video, watch it, and move on without it having to download onto your device.

Once again WhatsApp has brought a cool new feature and started testing it out before releasing the official version. This version of WhatsApp with Video Streaming also has other recent new features like video calling so download it and give it a try, you might just like it!



  1. Zibusiso Masuku

    Actually, they ARE downloaded. The videos are streamed as they download. When you check your gallery later, you will notice the video was actually downloaded. So, yes it saves time but certainly not the data!

    1. anon

      is it. ah they were so close. what i really want is an ignore group invitation. tired of being added to a group, leaving then being added again.

    2. Redio

      “WhatsApp has started testing a cool new feature that will help its users save data, time and space on their phones by allowing you to watch/stream the video before downloading… The feature is currently available on Whatsapp latest beta (testing) version.”

  2. Macd Chip

    “…This new feature will help a lot of users save data as it allows users to watch a portion of a video instead of the full video…”

    How does it save data exactly?

  3. Timonna

    I want WhatsApp

  4. Floyd

    i am on whatsapp beta, have had this for over 2 weeks now. it doesnt necessarily save data and space as it downloads the video as you watch it. and most times because of 4G/lte speeds it takes less than 5 seconds to download a whole clip so by the time you realise its a silly clip its already in your gallery and data gone. but for larger videos you can go back and cancel the download.

  5. Dhivah

    Anon yu gut a point there

  6. Pushkar Pandit(Bittu)

    Time save

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