Econet blocks WhatsApp and Facebook calls with new social media bundles


According to an update to its terms and conditions, Econet’s social media bundles will no longer allow subscribers to make voice and video calls on either WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.

The extract from its revised Terms and Conditions reads:

The social bundles will not be able to initiate OTT Video and Voice calls.

This comes after Econet made adjustments to its data tariffs in line with POTRAZ directive to have a floor pricing of data set at $0.02/mb.

Econet was the first MNO to act on the directive from POTRAZ adding its own Terms & Conditions of how its subscribers can use the bundles they purchase.

According to POTRAZ, the directive was done in consultation with MNOs and Techzim suspects that Econet jumped at the chance to end WhatsApp and Facebook calling to bring people back to the more expensive traditional voice calling which had seen sharp declines in revenue over the last few years as OTT services (data services like skype, Viber, WhatsApp and facebook) dominated the communication market.

Techzim is yet to hear from NetOne and Telecel. In the case of NetOne, its OneFusion product is definitely on the chopping block and could see it drastically revised to meet the new directive from Potraz which sets the lowest legal price of data at 2 cents



21 responses

  1. Ziso Avatar

    I understand: floor price is 2c per MB but you pay $1 to get 10MB. Clearly that translates to 10c per MB. Somebody explain to me please

    1. Tapiwa Avatar

      $1 actually gets you 20 MB cause you get 10MB Data + 10MB Free Wi-fi Data.

      1.  Avatar

        it still does not add up

      2.  Avatar

        What if you do not have hotspots anywhere close to you. How is it “Free Wi-fi” if you have to pay something initially to access it?

      3. themba Avatar

        tapiwa 10mb free wifi …is like sayin mega bonus its supposed to 20MB and 10 free wifi.Why put a floor and not also put a ceiling .I bet Econet and POTRAZ were in bed together when they made this decision

    2. #ThisData Avatar

      Clearly somebody at Econet sucks at mathematics

    3. Analyst Avatar

      Very true. My understanding from what Potraz said is that at 2c per MB an ISP should be able to provide data services, pay all its expenses and make a profit. Why then is Econet charging 10c per MB? That is one huge mark up.

  2. YES Avatar

    Eish this is now a War, the population of Zimbabwe is under oppression its True. This calls for Early 2017 street protests

  3. phidza Avatar

    zuro paya makambobvisa mapromotional bundles nhasi makwidza mutengo yedata, kwenyu kuda mari chete. ko kungo banner facebook ne whatsapp yacho altogather kwete kungotemeswa nemusoro zvisina basa. modya yakawanda yevoice

  4. Jomo Avatar

    This POTRAZ thing is getting on my nerves… why, WHY???

  5. tanyaradzwa Avatar

    ava vanhu ma satanist ..ava be portaz ne econet.they hate the people.they are anti people.. iwe as I portaz ndeye satani…there is no country like Zimbabwe pasi pe zuva coz zvikuitika ivi ndezve Ku mars chaiko.ko takatadzei? ask takauraya Jesu? tanga tiripo here?…..ha u have to revise these prices… you are not serious kana ka one…from 3 $ for 2 gig to 50 I mari yacho mukutipa ma hara kana tikubhadhara nema bearer cheque. itai serious vanhu imimi..mukutsvaga kunetsana be vanhu badzi

  6.  Avatar

    Morocco tried this and failed. Why are people still using Econet though? Such moves make it clear that Strive & his team don’t care about Zimbabweans & it’s time we looked past their Christian rhetoric on social media & see them for who they really are – ruthless businessmen.

    1. safer Avatar

      actually econet is the only operator not owned by governemt so i suggest you use it a little more cause its better and safer.

  7. Shocked Avatar

    Well well well looks like subscribers will simply move to Telecel and NetOne, what an own goal by Econet.

  8. Annoymous Avatar

    Asi ka Strive anombonyatsofunga sei shuwa? How is this even justified? Econet thinks they are clever nhai but this will simply drive people to the other two networks. Whatsapp and Facebook calls are convenient especially for international calls. Blocking whatsapp and facebooks calls was a STUUUUUUUPID move, ndasvotwa fani.

  9. iwe majokisi Avatar
    iwe majokisi

    It is obvious that this a ploy by our beloved leaders to ensure that our people are starved of information, political or otherwise. For those in the rural areas this will be a significant body blow.

    What I have difficulty comprehending is Econets rush to cash in on this price hike. It is because of their market dominance that they are so arrogant, or is it something else??

  10. gudoguru Avatar

    ndezve ma elections izvi – to stiffle comms. strive is a mitch.

  11. safer Avatar

    ok so econeyt can block bundless but somehow forget to adjust prices to 2c/mb yaaah hamuna kukwana.

  12. Evangelist Sam Avatar
    Evangelist Sam

    This is madness.i thought potraz is sappose to protect subscribers bt instead they are influencing hiking of rates! It must be political starve pple frm information .nxaaaa!

  13. Fusion for life Avatar
    Fusion for life

    I don’t understand zimbos….just get a dual sim…I use my econet for receiving only…and netone fusion for data and calls….if you got a problem with any company simply move….there’s no need to complain

  14. Heath Charsley Avatar
    Heath Charsley

    Exactly,if everyone boycotted Econet ,then it would have no option to reverse this.With the new prices I now just use Econet to receive calls,I no longer support them.There revenue is going to drop big time.Watch this space.

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