How much is the internet in Zimbabwe? – Here’s a comparison of local broadband prices in 2017

As January 2017 draws to a close the one that most Zimbabweans will remember about the month is the increase and subsequent decrease of mobile data prices.

The episode highlighted once again just how expensive it is to access the internet in Zimbabwe with citizens sounding the #DataMustFall call.

While there have been other changes to broadband packages offered by some internet providers like the reductions from operators like Aptics, Powertel, Telco and TelOne, the cost of internet access is still prohibitive.

The majority of internet connections (at least 98%) are made via mobile devices through the country’s three mobile network operators with most subscribers relying on bundles that cost as much as $3 a month to access specific applications like Facebook and WhatsApp.

Outside these service bundles, there are a number of home packages which, considering their limited uptake versus mobile broadband, are yet to become the leading options for internet access.

There is also the option of public WiFi hotspots, which guarantee deals ranging from a free 30-minute daily access window (courtesy of ZOL) to a $1 for 1 GB offer from TelOne.

All these options are what Zimbabweans rely on for their internet experience.

Having said that, here is a look at the popular Zimbabwean broadband packages from the dominant players in the market. The figures give a picture of how much people are paying to go online locally.

Mobile Network Operator Prices

Data Price (US$)
*All prices are for bundle rates
Econet Wireless BroadbandNetOne BroadbandTelecel Broadband
0.505 MB8 MB4.8 MB
110 MB17 MB9.5 MB
375 MB70 MB76 MB
5125 MB125 MB142.5 MB
10300 MB285 MB304 MB
20750 MB670 MB800 MB
301 GB
351.2 GB
502.5 GB2 GB

Social Media Bundles from Mobile Network Operators

MOBILE OPERATORS/ValidityFacebook BundlesWhatsApp BundlesTwitter Bundles
24 hours0.30200.3020n/an/a
7 days0.95700.9590n/an/a
30 days3.002203.00220n/an/a
24 hours0.27400.27400.2750
7 days0.871000.871000.87100
30 days2.802502.802502.80300
24 hours0.35200.3520n/an/a
7 days1.001001.00180n/an/a
30 days2.852002.85300n/an/a

Aptics Zimbabwe

Package(all packages are unlimited)Cost($US)Speed
Aptics Basic601 Mbps
Aptics Standard1152Mbps
Aptics Deluxe1703Mbps

Africom Zimbabwe

Package/ BundlePriceData Validity (Days)
Daily50 cents80 MB1
Daily$1250 MB1
Weekly$1150 MB7
Weekly$31 GB7
Night browsing$47 GB (1 GB per night)7
Weekly$52 GB7
MiChoice $1100 MB30
MiChoice $101.2 GB30
$5600 MB30
MiChoice $2010 GB30
MiChoice$2515 GB30
MultiConnect (WiMax Data)
Light$3615 GB30
Home$4020 GB30
Home Plus$4730 GB30
SME$5440 GB30
Corporate $6150 GB30
Heavy$9090 GB30

iWay Africa

PackageCost ($US)SpeedData Allowance
WiMaxfrom 99from 1Mbpsfrom 40 GB p/m
Fibrefrom 99from 1Mbpsfrom 40 GB p/m




PACKAGEPRICE ($US)SPEED (maximum or “up to”)Data (GB)
Home Plus25 3 Mbps 30
Home Premier424 Mbps60
Infinity Pro893 MbpsUnlimited
Infinity Supreme1504 Mbps Unlimited

TelOne Fibre

Package Price ($USD)Download Speed (maximum or “up to”)Data Cap
Starter235 Mbps 20 GB
Boost7010 Mbps60 GB
Intense11820 MbpsUnlimited

TeleContract (Telco)

PackagePrice($US)Speeds of up to (Mbps)Data Cap (GB)
Velocity Stream199


$45/ month$75/month$150/month
15GB allowance40 GB allowance150 GB allowance
2 Mbps download speed3 Mbps speedup to 5 Mbps
15GB access off-peak (12am -6am)40 GB accessible off-peak (between 10pm and 6am)Unlimited access off peak (between 10pm and 6am)

ZOL Zimbabwe

Package Price ($US)SpeedData
WiMAX Broadband packages
Plus49up to 1MbpsUnlimited
Enhanced99up to 2MbpsUnlimited
Ultra129up to 3MbpsUnlimited
ZOL Fibroniks (Fibre packages)
Fibroniks Lite2915 GB
Basic Essentials39up to 5 Mbps25 GB
Family Essentials89up to 10 Mbps 50 GB
Family Entertainment149up to 20 Mbps unlimited
Modern Family199up to 30 Mbps unlimited
Turbo Pack339up to 100 Mbps unlimited


7 responses

  1. ZOL MANYANYA Avatar

    ZOL Chembroniks… They are abusing their fair use policy, almost everyone is crying foul. Surprisingly even companies are feeling their stringent approach.

    1. dusty Avatar

      What are there doing? I wanted to subscribe WIMAX?

  2. Mercy Avatar

    If I had the option of Fibre I would try Telone. Every penny and gig counts. ZOL needs to employ more Customer Service assistants. Who can wait up to 40 mins or more for assistance on the phone?

  3. Telone power Avatar
    Telone power

    Telone home premier is definitely real value….60gb at 4mbps for 42$. Been using for a year and I’m really impressed…. My phone line went down on a Sunday …. Phone the hotline on Sunday …Someone actually picked after a few minutes….More surprisingly come Monday morning the line was fixed…Superb customer service…Highly recomended

  4. Simba Moyo Avatar
    Simba Moyo

    I’m sorry to say they are all crooks. I mean the mobile data operates as you can pay ie econet .95c for a week or 70mb but you can hardly ever connect or download anything. It’s such a rip off. And they get richer by the minute. Sad. And no one can do anything about it.

  5. Tokumeino Avatar

    I’m thinking of trying the powertel unlimited package for $40. They recently installed fibre in my area and not many people will be using it. Anyone can weigh in with their experience please?

  6. Levi Avatar

    Thanks for the article! Very informative 🙂

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