Stunner’s online drama inspires its own video game – Olinda’s Revenge

The online drama involving Zimbabwean Hip Hop artist Stunner and his wife Olinda created a lot of buzz online. It started on Facebook Live and recently led to Ruveheneko Parirenyatwa’s widely publicised interview on Facebook.

Now the latest development related to it – a mobile video game. N-Sho Tech a developer (likely Zimbabwean) with a list of other Zimbabwean apps on Google Play has created a single player live action game called Olinda’s Revenge.

It’s available for free download on Gooogle Play. You can access it by clicking here.

According to a brief description of the game’s back story,

Olinda is now angry. No more crying. No more videos. She wants revenge. Girlfriends are in your house and they have your hard earned money that your man has been spending on them. Take them down and retrieve your money one by one.

To play the game you, as Olinda, “tap and hold to aim and release when you feel the arrow has aimed. But be careful, if you miss they will attack you with a spear and impeccable accuracy.”

It’s another example of local developers being smart enough to ride the wave of something that’s trending and create a simple game around it, something that’s been done before with games like the Chihuta game during the quail craze in 2016.

image credit – Google Play


  1. hehe


  2. TheKing

    It’s good we have people developing games, but it’s bad to profit from someones downfall. The hustle has rules

    1. alex

      Let creative people be creative. She published her own personal life online. When people take that and create something great with it, you can’t start crying foul. She intentionally put her life in the public domain. Besides, this game doesn’t portray her in a bad way at all. Nice one guys!

      1. TheKing

        I’m not saying anyone is being portrayed in a bad way. I’m also not disputing what you are saying about Olinda. I’m saying create your own hype, your own hustle, your own traction. Don’t try to maximize on someones problems. If they were keen on riding on fades, they should have developed the Chihuta/Mannequin challenge/Harlem Shake games. All popular and harmless fades. But instead they choose to capitalize on someones domestic issues.

        1. Alex

          Tell that to the makers of hundreds of Olinda video clips we all receive daily on WhatsApp and laugh about. She made her domestic issues a public matter. She insulted and ridiculed her on/off husband publicly with the hopes of destroying his image and career. Yet this game doesn’t hurt or insult Olinda in any way. These are just some creative minds who were inspired by the current social media buzz and responded in their own way. Well done to them! I hope there is a sequel to this game! A saga!

        2. Alex

          Tell that to the makers of hundreds of Olinda video clips we all receive daily on WhatsApp and laugh about. She made her domestic issues a public matter. She insulted and ridiculed her on/off husband publicly with the hopes of destroying his image and career. Yet this game doesn’t hurt or insult Olinda in any way. These are just some creative minds who were inspired by the current social media buzz and responded in their own way. Well done to them! I hope there is a sequel to this game! A saga! Did you notice it’s playing the song “Godo” by Stunner as the game tone? That killed me hahaha

          1. TheKing

            I don’t think you understand my point. What happens when we forget about the scandal? It means the game will be irrelevant. Why not develop a game on a solid sustainable idea like Angry Birds/Candy crush. You will never be successful if your success is based on someones downfall

            1. Kob

              don’t worry will not forget about the scandall as we play the game

  3. nsho frend

    Nice game.

    Aside, when i googled “n-sho tech” google says “the website might be hacked”.

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