Comexposed, Zimbabwe’s annual comic book & digital arts convention returns in April 2017

Comicon Zimbabwe, Zimbabwea animators, Zimbabwean comics, comic books, digital arts

Here’s some good news for local animators, gamers and artists; Comexposed, a highlight of Zimbabwe’s animation and digital arts scene is happening again this year and a date has been set.

On the 22nd of April 2017, the third edition of Comexposed will be happening at Theatre in the Park in Harare from 9 am to 530 pm.

The event is modelled as a Zimbabwean version of the ComiCon global comic book convention that’s also held every year but in the USA.

AS a Zimbabwean event, Comexposed has focused on showcasing Zimbabwean comic book productions, animation, digital art that includes some local film production as well as knowledge sessions and fireside chats with some of the players in the industry.

There’ll also be the popular Cosplay which will see people dress up in comic hero costumes and a video game battle.

Speaking to Techzim about Comexposed 2017, Eugene Ramirez Mapondera, a local animator and one of the organisers of the event highlighted his excitement at this year’s event promising another interesting showcase of local talent.

It is anticipated that Comexposed 2017 will extend the work that the past two events have done to shine a light on a growing industry that has emerged as an opportunity creator for some young and talented Zimbabwean artists.

While a lot of inspiration for most animators has been the comic book and anime culture from countries like the USA and Japan, Comexposed is trying to encourage the exploration of local comic brands which tell Zimbabwean and African stories.

Some of the works shown in the past events have helped push this forward and if you are interested in some of the awesome work being done by Zimbabwean creators you can head over to Comexposed 2017 and pay the $5 entry charge to check it out.

You can get more info on Comexposed from Facebook


2 responses

  1. Mukwenyeri Avatar

    $5 is a bit much I think. Things are VERY tough.

    1. Tough all over Avatar
      Tough all over

      I cant speak for them, but having attended before, I think this is the only way they can break even. Between all the guest speakers, the printed materials, equipment and the venue, $5 seems like a reasonable investment to me

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