Backup your data, don’t lose bitcoin to ransomware

There is still a lot of noise doing the rounds about ransomware, particularly the WannaCry cyber-attack. To call this noise is me being grossly unfair. Cyber-attacks are not a laughing matter and the fact that experts say these kinds of attacks are on an upward trend and will continue to be requires the alarm to be blown from the highest of hills continuously.

We have covered much about how you can protect yourself. History however has taught that real prudence in disaster planning involves multiple scenario planning and having a response to any scenario we can conceive whether it’s a desirable scenario or not. If the ransomware disaster hits, what do you need the most?

Someone is thinking, ‘obvious I will need bitcoin.’ You are not wrong, the cyber datanappers (those who kidnap data and demand ransom) almost always ask for bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. However, true prudence should protect you from having to give in to these criminals after all Jack Bauer taught us never to negotiate with terrorists.

When (eish let me say if) the thugs lock you out of your precious data, what you really need is a very good redundancy. The simplest of things we have always taken for granted: backup! The EaseUS Todo Backup is a free backup software that will give you peace of mind in these crazy times.

The software backs up everything including your system configurations and applications into one compressed file. It allows you to backup your entire disk or volumes at high speed through block level disk imaging.

You can backup specific files or folders selectively. EaseUS Todo Backup permits browsing of backed up files and folders through Windows Explorer allowing you to copy-paste these. EaseUS Todo Backup is free so yea grab it and build up that defense. Don’t lose bitcoin over nothing. Take that you terrorists!

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