How Kwese TV bundles will work once it launches on Econet Zimbabwe

Kwesé TV

Remember the deal Kwese signed to have its TV content available to mobile subscribers of Kenya and Ghana? The company is looking at mobile networks, like Econet’s in Zimbabwe, as one of the key distribution platforms for its content, which now comprises quite a collection of channels; sports, music, movies, news and so on.

In fact, even though Kwese is launching in Kenya, Ghana, Lesotho and other countries, there’s indication from the company’s business plan, which we posted here some weeks ago, that the plan was to launch in Zimbabwe first and then move on to other countries:

Zimbabweans are quite unhappy that they can’t access Kwese TV, especially after being teased last year.

The regulator may however delay, but eventually they’ll have to give in, or it’ll just be ridiculous and will certainly remind everyone of the Econet/government battle from the 90s, which they eventually lost.

Our guess though is that, even if they let Kwese launch, it’s not going to happen before the elections in 2018, for pretty obvious reasons. The main one being that Kwese is an independent broadcaster whose service is easily accessible via satellite and mobile networks – in a word, masses.

Anyway when Kwese does eventually launch, it’ll certainly be available on the Econet network.

We stumbled upon an interview by Kwese President and CEO, Joseph Hundah, on Smart Monkey TV, where he was asked about how they structure the service and bundles when delivering through a mobile operator.

Here’s how:

We will put our own team into the mobile operator, say for example Safaricom in Kenya. They will articulate and sell the products internally. Kwese people went into Lesotho to go through all the different elements. (The mobile operators) are increasingly enthusiastic and they understand the need for data-driving properties.

We’ll have as low as one day billing and that matches the mobile operator pre-paid packages. The customer can buy several days in a month and that will increase over time. 

If you can only afford US$1, then you will be able to pay US$1”


7 responses

  1. Sagitarr Avatar

    That Zimbabweans can’t get Kwese TV (a product offering from a progressive
    Zimbabwean company) now or even after the elections speaks volumes about the fake news that we are a free and independent nation. We are obviously not. Only Zanu-PF and its followers are free and they are messing everything up big time….natural emotions like shame and guilt are only trickling from them now…

  2. Macd Chip Avatar
    Macd Chip

    You get every company to operate in Zimbabwe, from around the world. Some operate first then sort licence and legal issues later.

    People like Dakota even got President of the country rescheduled to meet him and provided with red carpet. He got ministrial help assigned for him to get him going.

    But you cannt help your own, Zimbabwe owned company to start operating. Its not asking for favours, but just the licence to operate!!

    What our Zanu PF/Government do not realise or do not know is that reputable companies look at how governments treat companies owned by its citizens to make a decision on investment. It is called due dilligence

    If a company just comes in and through money without checking the government record, then that company have a lot of skeletons.

    It doesnt surprise me that Dakota have now developed a cold feet including all other companies which signed mega deals.

    1. Keith Avatar

      You mean Dangote?

  3. Zola wami Avatar
    Zola wami

    Just use YouTube and we will follow live.. It might be expensive, so what!?

    1. Tekinologi Avatar

      The issue is the Kwese Network aims to operate like youtube stream with them channeling their content through econet etc.
      They want to contain the costs.

  4. tiki Avatar

    Kwese means everywhere.. it’s about TV over satellite, IPTV box, Mobile over 3G/LTE and web interface. has the details and price plans for 11 countries. Zimbabwe is listed on top of your list being first to launch but is not yet on list of launched countries per the web site. Maybe it will happen in our life time.

  5. obadeyi modupeoluwa Avatar
    obadeyi modupeoluwa

    Dear kwese management,
    I will like to be an agent for your product.kindly put me through, am into selling of Gotv,Dstv and startimes decorders and making payment.
    I will like to be part of your product too,even before it will launched here in Nigeria. Thanks.

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