At the end of June 2017, that is in just a over a month, a lot of devices currently running WhatsApp will not be supported anymore. In 2016, WhatsApp announced that it would stop supporting some mobile phones “to focus our efforts on the mobile platforms the vast majority of people use.”
These are the mobile phones:
- BlackBerry OS,
- BlackBerry 10,
- Nokia S40
- Nokia Symbian S60
If you’re using any of these mobile phones, it is safe to assume that your phone will not be able to run WhatsApp come 1 July.
We have however received information from some owners of some phones, like Asha 201, who are saying that their deadline has been moved to 2018. We’re not sure how true this is and since WhatsApp itself hasn’t provided any information it’s hard to confirm if true. We are however trying to get more information, and if you happen to know anything, please comment below.
8 responses
I don’t see mobile phones on that list. I see mobile operating systems is there a difference?
blackberry 10 will continue supporting WhatsApp but android WhatsApp
of which in Zimbabwe most were and still are using android app on bb10 koz BlackBerry World doesn’t work in zim
Is very cold
Mukushaya nyaya these days to publish
Zvaunenge ndiwe usina nyaya. Kikikiki
Why post negative comments?
My Asha 201 whatsapp is been extended to 2018.
Hi, I added my data, if it is true, I have nokia asha 302 also extended the date until December 30, 2018, which disabled for nokia s40 with java were the options to be able to send photo, audio and video, if you try Send an error message and asks you to download a certificate which one happens to download and tells you that it is already installed, n s40 can only send common messages at the moment and receive audio including “opus”, video and other photo Users with android or other cell but can no longer send. I sent several emails to and I noticed that if they read the messages. When you put the keywords “nokia” “java” s40 “there automatically send you a message saying that they no longer support these nokia s40 phones with java. However for symbian the date is not renewed but users are still with options Available to send photo, audio and video.