EcoCash and Zinara partner up in providing EcoCash payments at toll gates


One response

  1. Econet_Are_A_Bunch_Of_dogs Avatar

    Congrats Zinara, i am sure this issue makatoita zvemaoko for this project to go ahead especially dealing with an idiotic company like Econet. Handisati ndamboona company isingade kuti munhu abudirirewo like that messed up econet. We once requested for an online merchant logins (for a merchant already existing) but they toss you around and NEVER got those details. They are so rigid but at the end of the day zvinhu zvinovapa mari. in this day and age a company cant receive payments online coz ecocash havadi ne their api of which its something chinovapa mari. they prefer kuti munhu aite *151/*… ECONET newe Mboweni you are IDIOTS!!! we need young people with strategic thibking especially in this cashless environment, this is zimbabwe, such a phase inopera and noone will ever use zvima virtual payments zvamunoda kuonererwa nazvo…once again PFUTSEK Econet!

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