So Android 8 Oreo is here, what is the new dessert named mobile OS bringing?

Android 8 Oreo

Late last night, Google released the next version of their mobile operating system, Android. The new version of Android is going to be called Android 8 Oreo. Google has kept the name of the versions of Android to different types of dessert and until late yesterday, some people were curious as to what dessert would be used for Android 8.

The new version was revealed from the official Android website which had a countdown timer that was synchronized to the full eclipse that occurred yesterday. Android 8 was announced and released for developers earlier this year and was still under development. Now that is has been released to the public, what features does the new Android 8 Oreo have in store for Android-based smartphones? Let’s take a look at the main ones.

Auto fill your log in details

Android 8 Oreo now has the ability to autofill your login details. When you open an app to log in to it, the feature will be able to remember the login details for that particular app and then automatically fill them in and log in. The feature will be a basic password manager of sorts and it will be able to do all this once you have granted the device permission to auto fill such details.

Multitasking without split screen

Multitasking has been around for some time now on smartphones. However, it’s been mainly done in split-screen view on most phones where the screen is divided into two and two different apps take up each half of the screen. Android 8 Oreo takes multitasking a step further by adding picture-in-picture support.

Picture-in-picture allows you to open one app as the main one and another one will be on top of the main app but taking up a smaller portion of the screen. If you’ve used Skype before for video calls, you’ve seen picture-in-picture at work when you are able to see the other person on your screen but at the bottom right corner, you can see yourself so you always whether you’re still in camera view or not.

Launch apps without installing and quick access to notifications

This new feature of Android 8 Oreo will have dots appearing on your app icons whenever a new notification comes from that app. You will then be able to press the notification dot on that icon and get a quick glance of the notifications from that app. From that simple action, you can dismiss the notification.

The other thing that is in Android 8 Oreo is instant apps. The feature will allow you to launch any new app right from the browser without installing it. Both these features are nice little convenient things coming to the operating system that will save you one extra step to achieve a certain goal.

When will you get Android 8 Oreo?

The new mobile operating system will also be faster, more battery saving and feature a new set of redesigned emojis. So you’re probably wondering when you will be able to get it. The answer to that question can be entirely dependent on your region and or smartphone type and model.

New Android versions are not immediately rolled out globally, you might have to wait depending on your region. Generally, if you’re in Zimbabwe you’ll have to wait for the global roll out of the mobile operating system. Other than your region, your smartphone might not be on the list of devices supported by Android 8 so you’d not get it at all or have to wait until your smartphone manufacturer has made your phone compatible with it.

Other than that, if your device is supported and you want to to get it immediately, there are some ways to get it on your device though they are not recommended by Google as something can go wrong during installation and they won’t be able to help you.

Are you interested in such features or they are not compelling enough for you to update your Android version? Would you get a new smartphone just so you could have Android 8 Oreo or your current one is good enough even though it’s on a version lower than that? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.


4 responses

  1. Ash Avatar

    Impressive I guess that is the reason why they didn’t name it after any candy… I haven’t changed my phone since I don’t remember when but this is something I would love to have. i like convenience more than anything else so am also hoping Oreo is great on battery

    1. Rufaro Madamombe Avatar

      Thanks I’ve updated. yeah battery life is important to some hey.

  2. Sagitarr Avatar

    Point of correction – Android versions have been named after something sweet, mostly desserts, some of which are candies. We have Donut, Froyo, Gingerbread, Jelly Bean, Ice cream sandwich etc etc

    1. Rufaro Madamombe Avatar

      Thanks. I’ve updated.

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