We came across a Microsoft Dream.Build.Play challenge we thought you’d need a heads-up on, particularly y’all game devs.
The Dream.Build.Play challenge is looking for people who are 18 years old and above, legally staying in the eligible regions (of course Zimbabwe is one of them otherwise this wouldn’t be here) and have technical programming education, experience and/or knowledge to create games for Universal Windows Platform (UWP).
If you fit in all these (but please do check for the longer list of eligible candidates on this website) then consider being solo or gathering a maximum of 6 more people to form a team and enter this challenge.
The challenge has 4 categories that is: PC game, Console game, Mixed reality and Cloud-powered game. In which the grand prize money is $50 000, $25 00, $50 000 and $10 000 for each category respectively; all awarded proportionally to each team member. By the way, you don’t have to develop a game for each category but choose one in which you think you’re likely to ace.
The deadline for this challenge is on the 31st of December 2017 so I suggest the sooner you start working on it the better. To help you come up with a winning game, here is the judging criteria in summary.
Criteria | Description | Weighting (%) |
Fun factor | – Does this game provide the desire to keep playing? – How intellectually challenging, relaxing, stimulating or satisfying is it to play the game? | 40 |
Innovation | – Is the game creatively and technically unique? | 30 |
Production Quality | – Is the overall game play seamless? Judges will assess the quality of the assets used, the user interface design, and overall performance and stability of the game | 20 |
Business Plan/feasibility | – Does the team or individual have a credible plan for getting their project to the market? – Does the game have a reasonable chance of success? | 10 |
Please do check the website for more detail, this is all but just a summary of the challenge to get you interested. We look forward to be announcing you as one of the winners here on Techzim… So get cracking!
2 responses
In trying to understand the restriction that ties one to the UWP and its justification, I stumbled upon the case filed by Tim Sweeney the Epic CEO last year. He’s basically saying Windows’ strategy moving forward is not clear with this UWP as it locks down very critical aspects of freedom (of development environment) with a closed Win 10 aligned system where forced updates can introduce “dwindling” cross-functionality etc and that apps developed therein will be tied to the Win App store and that MS gets 30% off the end product etc etc
Quote here –“Unless Microsoft changes course,” Sweeney says, “all of the independent companies comprising the PC ecosystem have a decision to make: to oppose this, or cede control of their existing customer relationships and commerce to Microsoft’s exclusive control.”
I think every developer wishing to take part in this competition needs to know the pros & cons of this UWP. It’s an eye opener. I’m for open systems, and have already lost interest although its a very lucrative offer.
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