Kwesé Free Sports app will be zero-rated tonight by Econet for Harare boxing explosion event

Kwese Free Sports app

Earlier this month, the Kwesé Free Sports App was announced by Econet for Zimbabweans to use. When the app came, it was zero rated for an NBA match that was happening that day. Today, Econet has announced that the app will be zero rated again tonight on their network for Harare Boxing Explosion which will be live at Rainbow Towers – HICC starting at 20:00. 

The app will be zero rated tonight from 19:00 – 00:00 so that Econet subscribers will be able to watch the live match happening at Harare Internation Conference Center without having to use any data. You can download Kwese Free Sports here if you’d like to tune into the boxing match from the app when it starts.

Now the last time Econet zero rated the Kwesé Free Sports app, we tried it and were unable to watch the NBA Africa Game live from the app without needing data. Several other people reported the same experience so we hope that this time it will indeed be zero rated. Otherwise, these would be just empty promises that Econet is making.

We will be taking a look at the app again tonight to see if it will be zero rated. Regardless of that, it is a good way for Econet to get people starting using their app without having to use their precious data. Maybe eventually, people who would have used it when it was zero rated will eventually decide to start using their data on the Kwesé Free Sports app by watching some of the offerings it has.

Speaking of offerings, someone recently said that Kwesé has no local content. However, this clearly shows that they are not completely disregarding local content as they are zero rating their app so they can promote this local boxing match by allowing people to stream it live for free.

Yes, there could always be more local content that they can show but when it will be added might be up to the content creator reaching out Econet Media to have their content shown on the Kwesé Free Sports app. What’s interesting is if they will continue zero rating the app for more local content that will be coming or if a bundle for Kwesé Free Sports app will be coming and how that will play out in terms of regulation.

One response

  1. Imi Vanhu Musadaro


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