Kwesé TV has been a hot topic for the past few weeks. With all the challenges being faced by people when it comes to DStv payments, many have started looking elsewhere. Kwesé TV was one of the options that people have been looking to as the entertainment service is already available in some other African countries. In order for the service to be available in Zimbabwe, it has to be licensed and that has been the question on many people’s minds – has it been licensed yet.
So has Kwesé TV been licensed in Zimbabwe?
We once got news from someone within Econet Media telling us that Kwesé TV has indeed been licensed to operate in Zimbabwe by the government. However, when we reached out to get an official statement, Econet Wireless only said the rumours were not true but kind of skirted around the issue. The official statement from Econet Media includes the following paragraphs:
With respect to Kwese TV, rollout is going on across Africa. The service is accessible in various countries through authorized dealers and/or the popular Kwese E-Store available on the internet. The Store is accessible from any country in Africa and allows registered dealers to purchase stock and install in their territories.
There has been a lot of inquiry about the launch of Kwese TV in Zimbabwe. We can confirm that Zimbabwe will be on Kwese’s Africa rollout plans in the near future once all commercial, administrative and other due processes associated with launching services of this nature have been completed.”
The statement seems a bit vague to say the least. To us this indicates that it is probably true that it has been licensed or that it is quite close to the finish line:
Why would they beat around the bush?
There are some important things to consider as to why they would not want to be on record about this matter. Firstly, they might actually still be negotiating for the license and if they say they have it already when they don’t, that might affect their negotiations. They’re are trying, by all means, to make sure that nothing rocks the boat.
Secondly, people are looking for an alternative DStv type of service and the answer to that search might be Kwesé TV. Why is that a problem? Right now, the demand for a new source of entertainment is high and maybe they see that if they prematurely announce that they are licensed, they won’t be able to handle the situation.
Once people know that the service is licensed, they will expect it to be available almost immediately but Kwesé TV might not be able to make that happen as soon as people want. Aside from that, if they do launch with such a high demand and then they under deliver then people will be disappointed. So maybe they’re also trying to get some extra time to get their production in order to respond to the recent high demand adequately.
Lastly, apart from still negotiating and the demand issue, there may be some competitive reasons as to why they are not announcing. Kwesé TV might still be getting their ducks in a row and if the word gets out that they have a license, their competitors might suddenly make a move that would hurt them.
What of that guy on WhatsApp who is advertising installation services?
Due to this uncertainty of what is actually going on, some people have decided to capitalize on the confusion. On WhatsApp, some message from someone started spreading and it indicated that the service was now available in Zimbabwe. Furthermore, the person was outlining fees for installation and subscription.
The paragraphs quoted above seem to suggest that licensed dealers can buy Kwese stock (decoders perhaps) online and install them even here in Zimbabwe. The only catch is that you will have the neatly installed decoder but no Kwese programming just as yet since the Broadcast License is not yet issued or is it?
The peddlers of such information could be scammers who are seeing the opportunity to get the little bond notes out of our pockets in our desperation for some DSTV alternatives. Please be aware of such possible scams.Our bet is that there will be a launch of some kind before the end of this year, but then again this is Zimbabwe and licenses haauye zvekumhanya (licenses are not issued easily).
What do you think, do these guys have a license or what?
2 responses
The Pindula tag gives info on the wrong Kwese
Kwese is a device that was created by Jonathan Whitaker at the 2014 Startup Weekend that aims to teach musical novices how to learn and play music in a creative way using items such as fruits and play dough. The idea was initially pitched as Universal Instruments on the pitch night and was later refined by a team of 6 (Auxicillia Rabwi, Chenjerai Katanda (School Sports Network (SSN) founder), Gwendolene Mugodi, Kuziva Muvezwa, Anesu Mutazu and Tadzoka Pswarayi collectively being called the K-tamba team. Using capacity sensing, Whitaker created a musical toy that allows kids to learn to play music in a fun and exciting way. Kwese became the 2014 winners of the Startup Weekend, walking away with a total of US$78,000 worth of prizes, Whitaker being commended for his youthfulness and the solution that they are bringing to the market.
Thanks. just happens that the music device in question was indeed called Kwese. But clearly, the common thing people refer to as Kwese now is Kwese TV. We’ve fixed the error.