Telecel launches “unlimited” all night long bundles

Telecel Zimbabwe

Telecel has launched a new service called all night long bundles. The bundles will be accessible to all Telecel subscribers. You can access the service by dialing *470# and following the prompts. The different bundles available are $1, $2 and $3 and they will be active between the time periods 11 pm to 5 am.

The $1 bundles will last for 2 nights, the $2 bundle will last for 7 nights while the $3 bundle will last for 14 nights. So when you have an active bundle, you will be able to access unlimited internet access. However, the word unlimited is misleading as there are fair usage policies that govern how much you can exactly download.

The other thing is that if you do end up downloading a lot during that time period, the network speed might start to get slower as has been seen on some other internet service providers on their unlimited packages. Telecel recently started to roll out 4G LTE connectivity on their network.

This will bring faster speeds to people on the network. So hopefully if you are using the bundles in a fair way, you should experience better speed than before if their upgrade has reached your area. Telecel has not revealed what the download or upload limits will be so that it is within their fair usage policy.

Given how it is currently school holidays, this could see people using their network more to surf during those late night hours and probably downloading stuff. The packages are quite affordable especially if you want to just download a bunch of stuff over night then you get a good deal even on the $1 package that is if their network does perform well.

Let us know what you think about this. Are you a Telecel subscriber? Is this a good service for you to have? What would you like it to be like? If you’re not a Telecel subscriber, is this tempting enough to make you a subscriber?


Telecel has revealed the terms and conditions of the service.

  1. Unlimited Upload and Download shall be between 11pm to 5am only. However there is a Fair Usage Policy which limits browsing speeds to 2Mbps.
  2. Any subscriber browsing after 5am and before 11pm shall be charged at normal data rates.
  3. Bundles are not cumulative. If a customer tries to subscribe to a new bundle while having another night bundle, the existing bundle shall be overwritten.
  4. Subscription payment shall be made from the core balance only.
  5. Tariffs of all items not listed in the offer summary shall remain as they are in the subscribers existing price plans.

Telecel all night long unlimited bundles


7 responses

  1. Tonderai Avatar

    There are no related Terms and Conditions on their website. I smell a rat later on.

  2. Zhanje Avatar

    I heard about this service when it was launched last night and only managed to wake up at around 1am and purchased the bundle. The speed was averaging around 1.9Mbps and I think it was reasonable considering their terms state that the speed limit is 2mbps. I don’t think they really limit you in terms of how much you actually download as I was able to fetch a 2GB HD movie from my favorite download site, by the time I woke up again around 4am.

    This is a pretty good deal for, as I can simply schedule my downloads to run from 11pm to 5am while I’m asleep. Well done Telecel, let’s see what your brother and sister will offer to compete.

    1. SiFe Avatar

      hie zhanje…contact me on 0777907486 i would like to know more about how the all night long telecel bundle works.

  3. Ash Avatar

    Wow am gonna purchase this tonight jus to compare with my OneFi performance since Telecel has upgraded to 4G(assuming Hre, Highfields is already covered)…keep it up Telecel coz if you do we may never switch

  4. Dr Sims Avatar
    Dr Sims

    WOW the battle lingers on, that’s why I never threw away my Telecel line…

  5. Langton Avatar

    Confirm Telecel is now on 4g?

  6. Charles Avatar

    Yebooo, welcome back Telecel, I’m connected right now with cool speeds…

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