Google launches Mobile Web Specialist certification – an option for web devs to gain more credibility

Mobile Web Specialist, Coding, Programming

Google recently launched a new certification called Mobile Web Specialist. The certification will allow people who are either learning web development or already established to gain an accreditation certificate from Google by taking the required exam. Anyone with the necessary knowledge, hardware and US$99 can take the Mobile Web Specialist certification exam as it is online based.

For hardware requirements, you will need a laptop or computer with 4GB RAM, 2 GHz dual core processor, a 1280 x 768 resolution, and a webcam. Since the exams will be online, you will need a web browser and an internet connection to take it, the latest browser versions of Chrome and Firefox will do just fine. Your browser should have any ad blockers disabled, allow geolocation and cookies tracking.

You will also need to provide valid government-issued photo identification which you will upload before the exam. The actual exam will consist of a set of coding challenges to test the skills you have as a mobile web specialist which you could have gained through self-study, education or from a job experience.

The Mobile Web Specialist certification exam will also have an interview at the end which will have you answer a few questions regarding the ways you used to solve the coding challenges in the exam. Google will provide a study guide for you to go through before you attempt the exam and they also have free web development courses which you can take to refresh your knowledge or learn if you’re just starting.

If you take the exam and you don’t pass, you will be able to retake the exam immediately if it was your first attempt. If you fail the exam twice, you will only be able to retake it after 2 months. If you fail again on the third attempt and wish to retake the Mobile Web Specialist exam, you will have to wait 6 months and also pay the US$99 fee.

During the exam, you can access the internet and do research. However, if you just copy and paste code, Google says you’ll likely fail.

Once you have passed the exam, you will get a digital badge that you will be able to place on your LinkedIn, website or resume. So you might want to look at this opportunity if you want to gain some credibility to back the skills that you have. Google also offers a wide range of other certifications in different tech related platforms or studies.

Let us know if you’re a developer and if you’d consider this. If you won’t consider it, why won’t you?


4 responses

  1. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
    Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    This is just fund raising. Google has a poor web (and mobile web) development track record, with most of their products designed to work best or only on Chrome. I don’t see they could certify other developers/specialists at something they aren’t good at.

    1. tinm@n Avatar

      Poor web development record?

      How? Where? Compared to what?

      Prove it!

      Don’t just vomit out nonsense just because you’re tired of yawning.

      And what are you credentials other than being an expert at anonymous commenting?

      1. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
        Imi Vanhu Musadaro

        Lol. A lot Google products work best with Chrome, with poor cross browser compatibility, because they rely of special features of Chrome. Cross browser compatibility is one of the fundamentals of the web. For example, the web version of the good old Google Talk.

        Even if terms of design, their products forcefully apply the Material Design concept, which doesn’t work well on desktop screens. Material Design looks good, mainly on smaller screens, till you add forms to the mix. For example, Google+, AdMob.

        Google has dominance in terms of users on the web, I can’t deny that, but their websites are less than perfect. They are okay websites, I wouldn’t call them unique or special in the web development landscape.

        We are all anonymous commenters here. Use your words to make a point, not express childly emotions. And, credentials don’t make my opinion (or yours for that matter) right or wrong.

        Please do provide examples of expertly designed Google websites, which show superior design/architectural qualities.

    2. Nacim Avatar

      Poor what ? lol

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