DStv Still Not Accepting Bond Notes Despite Being SUED for it

Multichoice zimbabwe sued for not accepting bond notes

Earlier this month, September 2017, a Harare lawyer went to the High Court seeking an order to compel Multichoice Zimbabwe to accept all the legal payment methods in this country. As we know, Multichoice is not accepting bank card swipe, bank transfers or EcoCash and telecash for subscriptions to DStv.

The lawyer, Mr Majatame was frustrated after he visited Multichoice offices in Avondale seeking to make his payments using a bank card. He was then told by the Multichoice employee there that they were only accepting US dollars.

Mr Majatame who is of Takawira Law Chambers is arguing that Multichoice is not above the law and so should be compelled to accept other payment methods. He argues it is ILLEGAL for them to refuse those other payment methods. Said Majatame,

Section 44B(2) of the said SI 133 of 2016, provides that bond notes and coins are exchangeable at par value with any specified currency other than Zimbabwean currency prescribed as legal tender for the purposes of Section 44A.

Clearly the refusal by the Respondent to accept my payment for its services in bond notes or coins, is not only illegal, but it is a massive slap in the face for the Government and lawmakers.

The respondent has not responded to the application yet.

Since that time, Multichoice has gone on to reduce monthly subscriptions prices in Zimbabwe. Techzim broke the story yesterday and the price reductions are effective starting today.

This is still not enough though as the fact still remains we still have a foreign currency problem in this country. Asking Zimbabweans to raise US dollars to pay for DStv is not considerate on their part, even as it is illegal. This US dollar requirement is probably the biggest reason there is a huge interest in Kwese TV, which allows payment in bond notes and all other payment methods.

We will be keeping track of the progress in that Majatare vs Multichoice Zimbabwe case. We doubt anything will come from it considering the the Zimbabwean government’s ownership of Multichoice Zimbabwe but it’s the thought that counts, I guess. He tried.


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  1. Edward madziwa Avatar
    Edward madziwa

    Keep us posted, we are tired

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