How do I register for ZB Bank Internet banking?

ZB Bank

ZB Bank recently announced that they will be discontuning the processing of manual RTGS and Internal Transfer application forms. As the changes will take effect from 1 October, you might be wondering how do I register for ZB Bank Internet banking since the transfers will now be processed through the ZB Bank Internet banking platform. Here’s what you need to do to get started.

How to register for ZB Bank Internet banking as a non account holder

If you don’t have a ZB Bank account, to make sure you’ll be able to do transfers through Internet banking, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open an account
    • To open an account, you will need to a copy of your government issued ID/Passport/Driver’s licence, proof of residence and $20 cash (Bond Notes or USD) deposit.
    • Once you have those requirements, visit any ZB Bank branch and fill in the required application form.
    • When you submit the application form, you will get an ATM card and PIN which you will use for internet banking registration
    • However, your account will be opened within one day after submitting the application form though you get the card instantly 
  2. Go to to begin the registration process for ZB Bank Internet banking
  3. Choose the register option on the menu and click next
  4. Get your card and enter the card number in the box under the text “Card Number”
  5. Enter your card pin in the box under the text “Card Pin”
  6. Wait 24 hours for your ZB Bank internet banking login details to be sent to you via email.
  7. Once you get the details, go to and enter your login details
  8. If you’ve reached here, you’ve successfully registered for ZB Bank Internet banking otherwise, contact ZB Bank support for assistance.

ZB Bank Internet banking registration for existing account holders

If you already have a ZB Bank account, you can skip step #1 which non account holders have to go through in order for them to register for ZB Bank online banking. Here are the steps you have to take to complete the registration if you’re already a ZB Bank account holder.

  1. Go to to begin the registration process for ZB Bank Internet banking
  2. Choose the register option on the menu and click next
  3. Get your card and enter the card number in the box under the text “Card Number”
  4. Enter your card pin in the box under the text “Card Pin”
  5. Wait 24 hours for your ZB Bank internet banking login details to be sent to you via email.
  6. Once you get the details, go to and enter your login details
  7. If you’ve reached here, you’ve successfully registered for ZB Bank Internet banking otherwise, contact ZB Bank support for assistance.


53 responses

  1. Paul chikukwa Avatar
    Paul chikukwa

    your registration platform is giving us problems h.i have been trying frantically to register but the platform cant just open

    1. zoneli chibi Avatar
      zoneli chibi

      Failing to register

  2. Ntombizanele Mpofu Avatar
    Ntombizanele Mpofu

    am having problems in registering ,its says approach helpdesk because have made numerous attempts

  3. Kudakwashe Masunungure Avatar
    Kudakwashe Masunungure

    I don’t know the card number since the card has many numbers

  4. Evidence Avatar

    I’ve registered with just a click of a button. Very simple when only you have fast and reliable WiFi connection

  5.  Avatar

    I am to register e banking, you told us to use card no. as log in ID and pin as password but there is another box asking the Access code, what should be put there, this is not making the Registration successful, please help

  6.  Avatar

    This is giving me problems I tried the whole day but to no avail

  7. Lethubuhle Avatar

    Failing to register, which card No. must I put

    1. s dendera Avatar
      s dendera

      your bank card (original) has a number written
      on it

  8. kuda Avatar

    failing to continue after receiving second password having note used the first one

  9.  Avatar

    registered instantly bt login yakunetsa

  10. Muvengi Avatar

    Zvakanwa kachasu hapana zvikuita apa nxaaaa

  11. Talkmore Avatar

    There are two long numbers, the 1st with 6 digits and another with 13 digits which one is the card number?

    1.  Avatar

      you should enter all those numbers

  12. dr guwah Avatar
    dr guwah

    thanks it worked well

  13. Magraf Avatar

    Failing to register

  14. Sikhanyisiwe Dube Avatar
    Sikhanyisiwe Dube

    I am failing to register

  15. baba Avatar

    time to change bank .wasted time going to the bank only to be given another task to register on my own hei ive given up

  16. Georgina Moyo Avatar
    Georgina Moyo

    failing to register

  17. Georgina Moyo Avatar
    Georgina Moyo

    this internet banking is giving us problems. why cant you just register for everyone . do I have to enter all the numbers on the card bcoz I have tried several times but its not working

  18.  Avatar


  19.  Avatar

    how to log in

  20. ropafadzoyashe muhloriwa Avatar
    ropafadzoyashe muhloriwa

    Hi..I’m having a challenge in registering my mobile for mobile banking it is not registered/activated please will you activate it.

  21. stanley tutsirai mushaninga Avatar
    stanley tutsirai mushaninga

    am failing to register

  22. stanley tutsirai mushaninga Avatar
    stanley tutsirai mushaninga

    failing to register even wth powerful wifi

  23. elias toto Avatar
    elias toto

    When login in to internet banking where can I get the access code

  24.  Avatar

    kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hanzi ur email wont be published

  25. kanya Avatar

    login irirkunetsa even wen on good running wifi

  26. RHODAH KAYAVU Avatar

    what ID is required in the ID box i enter my national ID and it says wrong ID what do i do?

  27. Pearson Matavire Avatar
    Pearson Matavire

    Don’t have a card it was stolen and the case is at police .now how do l make fees transfers and buying groceries in shops. URGENT.

  28.  Avatar

    which number is the card number

  29. nashe Avatar

    your registration platform is giving us problems h.i have been trying frantically to register but to no avail

  30. ruwa Avatar

    Succesifully registered but cant sign in for email adress. How will l get the feed back?.

  31. Rony Avatar

    i registered it was quite easy u complete that form on the link n u recieve an email then use that infor on your valid email to register n voaaala u done

  32. mutusva clever Avatar
    mutusva clever

    its not opening the platform command points

  33. talent maroveke Avatar
    talent maroveke

    failing to register internate banking

  34. loveness Avatar

    failing to register where do I get the pasword

  35. Munyoro Albert Avatar
    Munyoro Albert

    failing to register

  36. Sibanda Shepherd Avatar
    Sibanda Shepherd

    failing to register its not responding

  37. shakur Avatar

    its saying incorrect password !

  38. Taurai gorimbo Avatar
    Taurai gorimbo

    My login credentials have been blocked what can i do to unblock my e banking

  39. peiscer23 Avatar


  40. George Chisiya Avatar
    George Chisiya

    failing to register

  41. Edison Dulani Avatar
    Edison Dulani

    Successfully registered

  42. Precocious Sibanda Avatar
    Precocious Sibanda

    Registered successfully, I am enjoying it

  43. Norest Madhodha Avatar
    Norest Madhodha

    This thing is totally rubish tried the whole day but to no avail wasting my internet buddles can you reimburse my bundles plizzzzzzz

  44. Denmore Avatar

    The user is locked

  45. Denmore Avatar


  46.  Avatar

    I hve registerd but the problem now i want to log in and is sayung change password when I changed nothing is happenong

  47.  Avatar

    I have tried registering bt painzi system under development,up to now I hve nt yet registerd

  48.  Avatar

    Tried for hours but to no avail.

  49. Ncube Rayna Avatar
    Ncube Rayna

    Haven’t received the email from the bank for the final registration

  50. greatman sibanda Avatar
    greatman sibanda

    i registered 3 weeks ago but i haven’t received any email, whats that honestly????? i have been to the bank but i am not getting any assistance.

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