TelOne launches WiFi Home and Away, answers to some questions you might have

Telone launches Wifi Home and Away

Today, TelOne launched a new service called WiFi Home and Away. The service allows you as a TelOne home ADSL or Fiber internet subscriber to use your data at any TelOne WiFi hotspot. TelOne currently has around 200 hotspots across Zimbabwe so this will surely bring some convenience to people.

Imagine being in a situation where you really need to go online and you realize that if only you were at home, you could have used your WiFi. Unfortunately, you are not home and you don’t particularly want to spend a dollar just to check your email before you leave the city center on your way home.

Well, now if you’re a TelOne ADSL or Fiber, that problem is solved for you if you’re near a TelOne WiFi hotspot of course. So you might be wondering how do I register for TelOne WiFi Home and Away? Follow that guide and you should be up and running in no time.

As someone who might want to use the service in the near future, you might also have the following questions. Techzim asked these questions to TelOne representative at the launch and here are the answers.

Can multiple people use WiFi Home and Away at the same time?

So imagine this, you go out with your family to a restaurant and it so happens that there is a TelOne WiFi hotspot there. While you’re waiting for your food, you all decided to use this WiFi Home and Away to surf the web. Is that possible?

According to TelOne, currently, it is currently not possible to have multiple people using the same account to access WiFi Home and Away. So if someone starts using the account before you at the same TelOne WiFi hotspot or at a different hotspot, they get to enjoy the service.

However, TelOne is working on making it possible for multiple people to use the same login details at the same time.

Can you access WiFi Home and Away at a friend’s home WiFi?

Something that would have been great to have is the ability for you to go your friend’s house who also has TelOne ADSL or Fiber and be able to log in using your TelOne WiFi Home and Away account to use the service.

Unfortunately, according to TelOne, it is quite a technical challenge to make that possible so currently, it is not possible. You will only be able to use WiFi Home and Away at TelOne WiFi hotspots. Hopefully, that feature will come soon.

Can you share your details with others for them to use?

Maybe you’re the type of person who has unlimited TelOne internet at your house but you rarely use it a lot. Well, you can share the details you got for WiFi Home and Away with your friends and they can use them to access your data at TelOne WiFi hotspots.

Now, this is quite interesting because you can now literally start a business which requires internet access and as long as it is located near a TelOne WiFi hotspot, you will only need to pay for internet on one account.

So you could subscribe for unlimited TelOne WiFi at home and use WiFi Home and Away to access the data from a location near a TelOne WiFi hotspot. There’s a way for you to launch a business that leverages the internet without having to pay double.

What happens if you’re out of data on your home WiFi?

If you so happen to run out of data on your TelOne home ADSL or Fiber, then you will not be able to use the WiFi Home and Away service. This is because it requires for your account to have broadband data in it for you to use it.

Given how at TelOne hotspots, you can purchase data to use on that hotspot, is it possible to then purchase normal TelOne WiFi data and subscribe it to your home account? That’s currently not possible as WiFi Home and Away only offloads data from your account.

There’s no way to load data in the account except if you buy normal TelOne ADSL or Fiber recharge cards and top up your home WiFi account using that and not TelOne WiFi hotspot data.


3 responses

  1. MacdChip Avatar

    Aaa Rufaro!! So how many Wifi hotspots do TelOne have?

    A day ago you said they have more than 100 around Zim, today you are say just about 200??

    So what is it really?

    Besides me being grampie, it is a good product l have asked TelOne for long and glad that its now available since lm on the unlimited data package.

    Going to friend’s house and try your roaming there will be trick because each account is linked via sort of virtual link which gets hardcoded into your adsl router which authenticates via dslam

    I dont think those adsl routers they ar giving out are smart enough and since they are unmanaged, its very difficult to make configuration changes on the fly to overlap virt links or make trunk links

    The hotspot routers are geared for that and have backplane capacity to handle any configs being thrown at it as people log in and out.

    1. Rufaro Madamombe Avatar

      Hi, thanks for responding, we really like it when people engage and share their views and insights. With regards to the number of hotspots, I wrote that article that says 100 hotspots using information we had at that time before the launch happened and at the launch, they also told us that they now have 200 hotspots so that’s why it’s changed.

  2. seosenor Avatar

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