Telone to launch VOICE BUNDLE tomorrow

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Telone is set to launch two products tomorrow, the 26th of September 2017.

The first product, which they are calling WIFI HOME & AWAY should be a renamed Wifi Sharing. This is where one can log in to any Telone Wifi hotspot and use the data bundle they have at their home. You can read up on how to register for the service here.

The second product, they are calling VOICE BUNDLE. We do not have enough information on what that is but it should be a prepaid voice minutes bundle akin to the voice bundles we are used to from mobile operators.

The voice minutes we believe are meant for those calling their friends and family in the diaspora. It is meant as a cheaper option to call abroad. There is the peace of mind of not having to worry about a bill at the end of the month, something we are used to now from our prepaid mobile phone contracts.

Telone is trying to increase international voice traffic which saw massive declines from fourth quarter to first quarter this year. The international outgoing traffic declined by a whopping 38.1% in that period. Incoming international traffic also saw a decline, at 17.5% it wasn’t as drastic as the outgoing one but it was still concerning.

Seeing as incoming international traffic is the most important traffic to increase we hope the voice bundles address this. This leads to foreign currency flowing to Telone and makes sure interconnection fees are in the right balance leading to Telone getting more forex than the forex they would have to pay out if outgoing international traffic was more than incoming.

As mentioned above, they are also launching Wifi Home and Away which allows you to log in to a Telone Wifi hotspot and use your home data bundle. We will get more information on the VOICE BUNDLE tomorrow and then we will see if we should be excited about it.