Last Friday, we notified CABS and ZB bank customers of some downtime that had been scheduled due to some system upgrade. ZB bank had promised the system upgrade to occur from 14th to the 15th of October while CABS’ upgrade was to take slightly longer that is from the 13th to the 17th of October 2017. Turns out CABS’ upgrade is taking longer than scheduled.
Nonetheless, the CABS system is not entirely down, there are a number of services that are up now.
Here’s the flyer that specifies which services are currently available while the rest is being sorted.
However, seems people are experiencing some glitches even with those services that have been reported as up and running.
Are you one of those still experiencing some problems with the system?
8 responses
This report is so passive unlike those you guys write about Steward bank … there a reason why, is CABS paying more than Steward? I would expect you to treat this the same way but seems we are wrong
cabs is not even explaining to customers as to why they have blocked ecocash accounts causing further inconveniences to transacting platforms which does not have anything to do with the cabs system upgrade. we thought they would only block the cabs to ecocash platform but they have gone as far as having the whole ecocash accounts barred. its unfair
money is disappearing and reappearing into accounts ini my bank statement haisi kutonzwisisika
the same is happening to me. CABS has not bothered to comfort us with information. I have never seen such an arrogant lot.
Yah CABS seems not to give a damn about us the customer….my statement needs an expert to decipher…can’t make heads and tails of it
Stranded in vic falls with kids can’t pay for anything!!!!! I am furious, where is my money?????
balances not correct .Got 2 different closing balances . Im beginning to wonder whats going on. Rtgs done into my account on Wednesday up to now haven’t received the money.
Thank y’all for the feedback. Seems the problem is bigger than we thought. Complaints been rolling in since! So we engaging CABS now to hear what they have to say. Follow up article coming soon