Instagram Stories Stop Motion might be the feature you’ve been waiting for

Face filters Instagram Reply Stories Update

You know GIFs, those short 3-5 second video clips that you might love since they say more than a picture but are not as data intensive as a normal videos since they don’t have any audio or highest quality? Instagram is working on a feature called Stop Motion that will allow you to create and post GIFs to your Instagram stories.

Stop Motion will be a camera tool that will let you take long series of photographs and Instagram will work its magic to combine those photos into a GIF that you can post to your Instagram story.

According to The Verge who discovered this feature in the camera view of Instagram Stories, the feature is not yet finalized for release however, Instagram confirmed that they are testing the feature. If the Stop Motion tool does become available to everyone, you will not be able to edit the images that Instagram combine but you’ll be able to add the usual stickers and text to the final GIF before you post it for your friends to see on your Story.

Another interesting feature that Instagram briefly released during the Halloween celebrations was called Superzooms. So you’d open the same Instagram Stories camera and select Superzooms from the list among Live etc and you’d be able to take a 30-second video that would dramatically bring your face or whatever you were looking at closer to the camera by zooming.

I did one video using Superzooms and it was quite interesting as it was one extra way to express myself. If you’re wondering yeah that video is long gone. Anyways, hopefully, the Stop Motion feature will be liked by the people who are part of the test group so that it may see the light of day just like the Instagram Polls feature that they recently released.

What do you think about what Instagram has been doing lately in terms of features? What features would you like to see introduced to Instagram Stories? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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