It was 2012 and I was still in high school beginning to develop my affinity for gadgets and in that era I was the proud owner of a Nokia X2. I remember getting so excited when I found an app that could open pdf documents on it, it was such a huge achievement.
I then went on to get a Nokia 603, one of the last Nokia devices to use Symbian OS and man oh man was it a machine! It came with Microsoft Office out of the box and could open and edit Word and Excel documents. It was the ultimate pocket PC for me at the time….Yes I didn’t have a PC….
But that is technology. It is ever changing and ever evolving. Its a good story yes to me the end user I mean technology is making life easier for me. However boy is it a headache for industry titans. To them it is a true testament of you either evolve or die.
I mean Nokia was the king at some point up until it got bust and was bought by Microsoft who then sold it to HMD Global. It went from Symbian to Windows to Android all in a matter of just 5 years. Might be the ultimate fight for survival by a brand ever in history. A big brand too. Complacency maybe?
Let’s jump to 2015. Microsoft released the Lumia 950 and 950XL with an interesting technology that they branded Microsoft Continuum which is basically a way of using your smartphone as a desktop computer once you hook it up to a monitor or a television.
The whole thing would work with a $100 dock that interfaced between your phone and the monitor with some ports too for keyboards and mice and the like.
2017 rolls in with Samsung bringing in their own version under the name Samsung Dex that operates the same way that Microsoft Continuum does but this time running Android. Again you need a $100 dock to enjoy the desktop experience.
Then came Huawei with the Mate 10 series offering their own variant of this desktop experience powered by a smartphone called EMUI Desktop which requires a more reasonable USB-C to HDMI adapter to make it work. Again…this is running Android.
If I were Microsoft I would be worried. Or I would have something in the works. Android is on the road to bringing the desktop to everyone with an Android device which might not be a big story now but for a light PC user this mobile/desktop feature is going to push a basic laptop to just being an anomaly.
I say light PC user because smartphones don’t have the horsepower to handle intense desktop tasks YET, but these darn things are getting increasingly capable with each coming generation.
Microsoft is a PC operating system titan. But titans have fallen before. Do you see yourself using your phone as a PC?
My fist phone was a htc P3400 it windows 5 mobile ,it had Adobe reader, Office mobile that was 2008 ,i loved it so much,sadly the battery went dead i could not find any in Zim and South Africa.Still keeping it as a souvenir
captain obvious was the real author of this article… clearly.
Whilst software updates are easy to achieve, hardware upgrade is a practical nightmare. You cannot upgrade RAM or storage capacity via software, it has to be physically done. This distinguishes the transient playful frenzy of mobile phones versus the serious productive work of working on a desk or laptop.
Whilst almost anyone can stupidly tap away happily on a mobile phone this is not the case with a lap or desktop, you need the requisite knowledge and an affinity to learn. I doubt that any serious software development work (for example) can ever be carried out on a mobile device because it was never designed for that purpose.. The right word for that effort is quibbling.
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Thanks i have finally registered it took a lot of patience but i finally realised why i was failing to sign in ,it was on the date of birth yyyy/mnth/day not the other way round.its very easy and simple try now
You eMap is down we are trying to apply pliz assist
Its good to move with technology but not all of us have access to technology due to diffrent reasons. Limited to three schools then what?