It seems NetOne is really determined to grow OneMoney this time. Maybe the ‘scolding’ from the former Minister of ICT, Hon Supa Mandiwanzira served as some good inspiration.
I realised that they are putting ads in the newspaper that are calling out for people who are interested in becoming OneMoney agents. The latest POTRAZ telecom report (Q2, 2017) revealed that OneMoney agent numbers had declined from 245 in the first Quarter to 187 in Q2, guess that ‘trend’ is about to change.
In the ad, NetOne is promising these benefits to those who will successfully be licensed to become agents:
- 1.5% commission on all ZESA Sales
- $0.50 per each customer registeration
- $0.30 on every debit card sale
- $0.10 for each new line registration
It is quite interesting though that in this current cash crisis NetOne is still interested in recruiting agents. I mean agents need cash to be relevant right? Even POTRAZ in the same report mentioned above attributed the decline in agents for both Telecash and OneMoney (17.1% and 23.7% respectively) from the first Quarter to liquidity constraints as there is need for cash in order to facilitate cash-in and cash-out transactions.
However, as highlighted above it seems the thrust is not on cash in and cash out transactions but on ZESA sales, customer registration, debit card sales and new line registrations. I however am not too hopeful that those four things can be incentive enough for one to sign up as an agent (but I’d love to be proven wrong). Remember when NetOne went on a massive recruitment for Onefusion brand ambassadors? From what I saw, most then spent the day idle after signing up one or two people for SIM cards… if at all.
Well maybe the demand for signing up for the mobile money platform is greater than that of buying and registering a SIM card. But considering that the mobile money platform is grossly been dominated by EcoCash (over 90% of mobile money transactions are on EcoCash), OneMoney has to offer a service that is 10X better, something beyond introducing a debit card to get people to shift. And by the way, I do not say this as some demotivation, but as a challenge to NetOne, I mean it would be good to have more players in the field.
Nonetheless, if you are interested in becoming a OneMoney agent, here’s the list of requirements:
Sole Trader, Vendor
1. Duly signed application form
2. Certified copy of ID and passport sized photo
3. Proof of operating license
4. Proof of residence or Police affidavit
5. 2 copies of signed Agreement
Educational Institutions, Societies, Associations, Clubs, Non-profit organisation
1. Duly signed application form
2. Minutes with resolution
3. Constitution
4. Certified copies of ID, Proof of residence and a passport photo for 2 signatories/trustees
5. Proof of physical address
6. 2 copies of signed Agreement
Registered Company
1. Duty signed application form
2. Certified copies of ID, Proof of residence and a passport photo for 2 directors
3. Certificate of Incorporation (certified copies)
4. Tax certificate
5. Proof of operating license
6. CR 6 (certified copy)
7. CR 14 (certified copy)
8. 2 copies of signed Agreement
3 responses
Chitima chakapfuura kwese uku. Wakainonokera colgate weN1000 not N1
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it did qwork fr econet as people started to sign as many people as possible as thy got a $1 for each reg. so it can work and be a cheaper cost of marketing if you calculate the true cost of client aquisition to netone through advertising and traditional forms of marketing