Now that he’s gone, what are your expectations in this new Zim? (Tech of course!)

Trycolyn Pikirayi Avatar
Smiling guy

Well, whenever we mentioned the government and tech in the same line, it had somewhat of a complaint attached to it. An example off the top of my head, emap. Yes, I say ‘mentioned’ in past tense because I am a strong believer that this is going to be a thing of the past.

However, this indeed is not the end, but only the beginning! In as much as we can celebrate what has just happened, we’d need to remember that there’s a future to live (geez, I’m beginning to sound like a party pooper). I think it would be good for us to start projecting a tech environment that we’d want now so whoever comes in power is aware of our concerns prior.

So, this is the time to voice our concerns, even better when we still have this hype and optimism. I know first thing’s first #DataMustFall. It’s obvious that leveraging on the internet has been a challenge due to the constraints associated with accessing it, chief reason for that being price. Due to this, there hasn’t been much incentive for devs to come up with new products or be innovative seeing that their market is automatically limited locally that is. Of course, I’m not giving this as an excuse, but I know a part of you agrees with me.

Second thing would be delivery, when the ministry of ICT says they are giving grants, then they should give grants. We don’t want to break sweat working on something that will take forever to be considered or not at all. In fact we expect more grants for startups. There are a lot of great ideas that did not see the light of day because of lack of funds. I know entrepreneurs always say lack of capital is an excuse but remember not every techie is an entrepreneur or has an ‘entrepreneurial spirit’.

Third thing would be a change in the curricula. By that, I mean there should be some investment in ICT so much that  our educational facilities should be able to keep up with the rest of the world. We are done learning outdated stuff simply because we ‘can’t afford’. We are done learning things that we won’t even use outside of the exam. We are done having to start learning the things we actually need to know only when we start job.

Oh and speaking of jobs…

But no, I shall not preempt the slate. I need us to all be involved in this and make use of the comments section below.


  1. bertro

    no to cyber spying! let’s uphold freedom on the internet!

    1. Themba Mlungisi

      I do not see anything wrong with cyberspying per se. What is wrong is misuse of it by governments, plus negligent handling of confidential data.

  2. G

    2 things
    1. Technology hubs in each district
    2. Unify telone, netone, powertel and telecel then roll out fiber nationwide

    1. InternetP

      i second you on the unification part!

  3. T1

    an education system that promotes computer literacy from a young age. Students should be coming up with IT projects at the age of 16.

  4. Faith

    1.Fall in data tariffs , yes
    2. Improved internet, should not be shaky or down all the time
    3. and of course a repeal of the cybersecurity act and supporting instruments to be citizen friendly and allow for innovation ,ideas and free expression.

  5. mathew Celeste

    The in coming leadership must unite to correct Our Father Mugabe’s mistakes. Staying in power for rather too long. Above all lacking concern with the ordinary people because he had no regard to human life. He would never want to hear his family is to be treated as he treated others. We need a leadership that focus on improving the quality of lives lived by the citizens and all in our country. The intelligence should gather information accurately to quickly know what mistakes the leadership is making so as to improve things positively to achieve satisfaction for many. Build a true spirit of Nationalism based on honesty and by all means fight tirelessly to eradicate corruption. Never allow corruption to take the lead or become a culture practiced. If possible the new leadership must try to first be of an inclusive board that has to re organize the smooth way of doing things to allow room for a quick Economical recovery thus adequately preparing a big room for attracting foreign investment. The media needs to be an independent board that truly reflects the situation in the country. Since all wars have been fought now fight poverty and health inefficient delivery. Allow policies to implemented not to be propagated and become choruses

  6. mathew Celeste

    Forward with the new leadership and with the ZDF lets work for a peaceful Zimbabwe and unite to build a free Zimbabwe with principled leadership no to oppression of a black by a black. Remember to open industries and firms to create employment and improve life quality. Allow all to get Education not to have expensive colleges and Universities to disallow the poor to get Qualifications.

  7. Ash

    I don’t know what they should do to get us there but we hope in at least 5 years we will be shifting from ICT to KMS, better internet protocol (IPv6). They should also allow pvt broadcasting companies n i suppoort your belief that things will change for the better.. Kwesé already has ZBC

  8. Anonymous

    Uplifting of taxes on ISPs to reduce tarrifs to us please!