Twitter increases character limit from 140 to 280 for everyone

Twitter increases character limit from 140 to 280 for everyone

Back in September Twitter announced that they were working on expanding the character limit from 140 to 280. To test how that would work they opened the trial to a few select users.

In just less than a month and half Twitter decided the feature was ready for the prime time. The expansion is rolling out publicly to everyone starting today, for the supported languages.

Don’t burn down the house if after reading this you check your Twitter and are still stuck on the measly 140 limit. The roll out will be staged and so some will get the feature earlier than others, and no, there’s nothing you can do to get the feature faster. By end of day you should be tweeting unfettered.

Twitter says the expansion should see users able to express themselves better without running out of room to tweet. With the character limit doubled, we should be able to express ourselves better.

Some however felt the expansion would lead to longer tweets messing up people’s timelines but Twitter says most of the trial testers only utilised more than 140 characters in the first days they got the expansion. In time the novelty wore off and tweets more or less stayed under 140 characters.

Twitter screenshot.

So there you have it. Go tweet like the pro that you are. The shackles have been broken.