Facebook Now Allows You To ‘Mute’ Posts From A Friend/Page/Group Temporarily


Over and above the hide post, unfollow and report post options, Facebook has added snooze to the list. Snooze allows you to hide the posts from a facebook friend, page or group for 30 days at a time.

While the hide and/or report post options are focused on performing an action over a specific post, the new snooze option is focused on performing an action on the source of the posts, be it on a friend, page or group. However, in essence all these functions are aimed at giving you control over what you see on your Facebook Newsfeed. 

Ever heard of the saying that goes “do not make permanent decisions based on temporary conditions”? Well, guess here is one of the scenarios where it applies. Just because a person or a page or group sent one or two annoying posts doesn’t mean they are totally going to annoy you forever, therefore totally unfollowing/unfriending them in this case is the permanent decision (sorta) that you shouldn’t be making…yet.

But then again, once you realise that you are ever snoozing that friend/page/group, then you might as well go ahead and unfollow/unfriend them. Otherwise the most applicable scenerio for the function would be when you know that a particular friend/page/group usually spams your feed with a certain message in a particular season, the snoozing them would be ideal… Or if a retail shop has a special sale for the month (which has some seriously good deals), but because you know you are super broke for that month or because you simply have bond notes only, you’d rather snooze the page than get depressed looking at those deals.

Actually, when I first read about the new Facebook function on the TechCruch, I was really tempted to dismiss it as useless and more or less a replica of the already existing functions. But now I realise that there’s so much more to use the snooze function for, including muting those few friends which are obsessing over the whole ‘go and register to vote’ campaign.

Nonetheless, sorry if you were thinking of who to snooze already, you’d need to be a little more patient on that one. The last I checked snooze wasn’t yet available in Zimbabwe. However, I’m sure it won’t be long  since the feature is set to be fully rolled out in the next coming week (or weeks).


2 responses

  1. anonymous Avatar

    vakuvadza vana

  2. Petros Murongoti Avatar
    Petros Murongoti

    Better to register online but too frustrating

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