How to apply for the new diplomas and courses at TelOne Centre for Learning (TCFL)

TCFL graduation booklet

Last week we wrote about the new diplomas and courses that TelOne Centre for Learning (TFCL) recently introduced. and launched during their graduation ceremony. Apart from just knowing they exist, it’s important to then know the whens and the hows of the application process etc.

We contacted TFCL and here are the details that one might need if interested (or is looking to be interested) in the diplomas or Huawei courses they are offering.

1. About the Diplomas

Just in case you’re not aware, the newly introduced Diplomas are in: Data ScienceSoftware Engineering, Computer Network and Digital Marketing classes start on the 15th of January 2018. And here’s what you need to know about them…

Entry Requirements: 5 ‘O’ Level Passes including Maths, English and Science, for ALL diplomas.

DeliveryMode: Day, Evening, Weekend, Block

Diploma duration: 3 years

Cost per semester: US$700

Course Dynamics: First two years at TCFL, year 3 on ATTACHMENT. Project required in Year 3.

Place: Training is conducted at TelOne Centre for Learning (TCFL):

Harare: Cnr Samora Machel Ave & Hampden St, Belvedere.

Bulawayo: 8 Leamington Road, Belmont.

Contact: (04) 780126-9; 780134; 773251

How to Apply: Email, or bring in person to TCFL, certified copies of academic certificates, National ID and CV


2. About the Courses

The new Huawei courses that TCFL is offering are as follows:

  • Huawei Certified Network Associate Associate – DATACOM
  • Huawei Certified Network Associate Associate – LTE
  • Huawei Certified Network Associate Associate – CLOUD COMPUTING
  • Huawei Certified Network Associate Associate – DATACOM
  • Huawei Certified Network Associate Associate – STORAGE
  • Huawei Certified Network Associate Associate – SECURITY
  • Huawei Certified Network Associate Associate – ACCESS


Here’s what you need to know about it:

Entry Requirements: English fluency and a desire for hard work

Delivery Mode: Day, Evening, Weekend, Block

Course Scheduling: Courses are run any time, provided minimum class numbers are met

Place: Training is conducted at TelOne Centre for Learning

Contact: (04) 773251; (04) 780126-9;




6 responses

  1. BLAZ VA WIDZO Avatar

    EXPENSIVE AND 3 YEARS ?????????

  2. Marshal.D.Teach Avatar

    lool..these prices are crazy!!!.. $700 a semester for 3 years for a diploma???.. not to mention the prices for the certs..daamn
    a warm welcome to capitalism i guess..

  3. Sagitarr Avatar

    One can do a full BSc degree in SW Engineering (maybe at higher cost) but part time for 3 years. At least the Diploma entry requirements are more specific.

    The subjective entry requirement “desire for hard work” and courses that are run “….provided minimum class numbers are met” coupled with the exorbitant costs thereof suggests the Huawei “courses” are nothing more than certificates of attendance. All these “courses” lead to mostly Network Administration type of qualification for $10k??. What a rip-off. One is better off with A+,, CCNA, ITIL or Cobit or City & Guilds in Microcomputer Technology as individual globally recognized courses. “Hard work” is irrelevant in IT courses, you need to understand the theory in full so that when you practise you don’t make a fool of yourself. You will need a good knowledge of O level Science and Maths.My take.

  4. TSA - The Serial Analyst Avatar
    TSA – The Serial Analyst

    They should move towards online learning. They could collaborate with EdX or Coursera or some other reputable platform. It should have been an option so as to increase their market.

  5. Karma Avatar

    This is too can you have a diploma running for 3 years at such a cost.

  6. Chitata Avatar

    The courses are good but very expensive

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